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Formatting papers for conference submissions

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How do you format submissions for paper presentations/conferences? This is more a question for the humanities. Obviously, peer-reviewed journal publification submissions require specifics, but how do you package a document for a spoken presentation? Would you treat it as if a seminar paper with a bibliography in standardized font and citation styles, or do you go ahead with title, acknowledgement, and copyright pages as if a published paper?

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The calls for papers in my field usually specify things like length, fonts and format. When in doubt I use a 12 point standard font like times new roman and give a full list of references. If in a space crunch, one of the first things to go is the reference list (I might write: Smith'80, NLLT, for: Smith, John. 1980. "Paper title which is quite long and boring: Predictable subtitle". Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 12, 1-45). A standard format will open with a title, have a short introduction/summary of the argument, followed by the main idea and data supporting it, reference to previous theories and their inadequacies and a conclusion. It's neither a seminar paper nor a full journal publication - it's an advertisement for your presentation that should promise exciting new material with just a small taste of what it actually is. Here are some tips that I find useful - they discuss linguistics in particular but others may find them helpful too: http://www.unc.edu/l...s/hil-tips.pdf.

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