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changing PhD program


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I am in my first year of PhD program and realized that my interests is in a different program in the same department. Besides, my fiance is in another state and we want to be at least in the same state. W did not think that distance would be that hard :( So I want to transfer my program and considering to apply some other schools too. However, I am really concerned about the impression this would have on my current professors. Because, if the new program do not accept me, I will have to stay in my current program.

Should I talk with my current advisor and tell her that I want to transfer? Or should I have this process all in secret?

How should I explain this to the future possible advisors and my current advisor?

This process is being very exhaustive, and I am having hard time to focus on the current projects. I will be very happy to hear any recommendations.

Thank you very much,

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I'm sure it will have an effect on your current professors. After all, they choose you and put funding into you. That said, most will likely be understanding if you explain it properly.

I would advise against doing the process in secret. For you to be competitive for a transfer, you'll need good recommendations from your current program and advisor.

You should explain it by being honest- two body problem, and changing interests.

As for transferring your program within the department, that may or may not be possible, or at least easily possible, depending on how they're structured.

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