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Transferring from a school with quarter system to a school with semester system


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Hello Folks,

Is it possible to transfer from a school running on the quarter system to a school running on the semester system?

If yes, has anyone here done it, and how does one go about it?

Oh and this is for a master's program NOT for a PhD.

Thank you for the time!

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I went to an undergrad on the quarter system, and you could transfer to a semester school, and your credits would get translated into credit hours. Are you wanting to transfer at the end of this quarter? I would think if you're only one quarter in, you might have a couple of classes to make up since quarters generally have one or two classes less than a semester. Talk to the prospective school where you want to transfer and see if it's doable.

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Thanks for the reply! Yes at the end of this quarter. But the weird thing is I will have to wait for my first semester to start at my other school. Im doing three courses at my school now which is what I would do if I were at the other school too. Ive mailed the school too. Waiting to hear back from them. and other inputs from people here

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"Transferring" in grad school is very, very different than transferring in undergrad. Generally, you basically apply to the new program as a beginning student all over again. Some credit hours from the first program might be accepted by the second, but every dept is going to be different on whether or how many. (Regardless of semester/quarter equivalency issues).

Grad programs generally want you to have the *whole* experience of their program, because the name of your grad school matters in your professional life in a way that your undergrad alma mater's name doesn't. (As a working professional, your competence will reflect directly on your school, so this is prudent on their part).

It's different if you're dissertation-stage in a PhD program and switching schools is a matter of following your advisor. But in general, an undergrad-style transfer does not exist at the grad level, or if it does, it would be pretty rare.

Nb: I'm talking about academic rather than professional master's programs. I don't know if it's different for e.g. MBA, but I kind of suspect not.

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