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Congrats gizmooow and good luck 040404!

I am so much more at ease knowing that I have somewhere to go this fall. Have either of you ever been to Syracuse, NY or the surrounding areas? If so, please dish some info!

I haven't been to the US... but from what I've read in gradcafe, it seems to be a really cold place. Its a great program but I am not sure if I could handle the extreme weather since I come from a tropical country.

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I haven't been to the US... but from what I've read in gradcafe, it seems to be a really cold place. Its a great program but I am not sure if I could handle the extreme weather since I come from a tropical country.

Thanks happyhulalola! and congrats back to you. I'm so relieved too. When I was doing my applications, I seriously thought I'm not going to make it to ANY of the schools so now I have something to rely on.

I hear the same about Syracuse... how cold it is!!! I'm starting to wonder if I should look for good snow boots cuz I hear its covered in snow for most of the winter... But just to cheer you up 040404, I used to live in NJ and although it was extremely cold, it's actually quite warm inside the buildings so you'll learn to survive ;)

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About this cold:

I looked at their avg temps during winter and they are not so bad. Winter lows are around the low 20s. I am from NW Wisconsin and went to undergrad in NE Minnesota. These are harsh winters: 40 below zero temps. School didn't close unless the city buses couldn't make their rounds. Syracuse just gets a lot of snow.

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About this cold:

I looked at their avg temps during winter and they are not so bad. Winter lows are around the low 20s. I am from NW Wisconsin and went to undergrad in NE Minnesota. These are harsh winters: 40 below zero temps. School didn't close unless the city buses couldn't make their rounds. Syracuse just gets a lot of snow.

40 below? Wow that brings back fond memories :) Trudging to class in all of the cold slushy goodness :) That was one of the turns of Syracuse for me that led me to apply. That and the mild summers.

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I don't like the ranking my choices! But, so far Syracuse is my number one because that is the only place I have been accepted. Plus, the admissions counselor is super sweet. She called me to let me know about my acceptance, and that gets major points...especially since I have limited contact because I am in Spain. I won't be able to attend any admits weekends, so any time someone responds to my e-mails or calls makes me feel very welcomed. I really like their option to spend a semester in Chile. Also, before I got accepted I told a couple of my friends that I was pretty sure that I was going to attend Syracuse.

Then there is Denver. I really don't know too much about it. Someone from facebook sent me the entire break down of Denver and what it is like, but other than that and U Denver's website I don't know too much. It looks like a great program and fun city. Their admissions counselor was very nice and didn't mind adding an updated resume.

GW and Georgetown just seem so cold and automated. I highly doubt I will get accepted at GW because I don't have any econ background and I don't know about Georgetown. I have been on both of their campuses. I am comfortable with the idea of DC because I have a network there.

I probably shouldn't be making my decisions based on admissions counselors, but I like people that are interested in getting to know me (don't we all?).

Cheesy, I know...

There is also the question of mobility. I sold my car before I came to Spain, so I need a well connected transportation system...or some friends with cars who might take me around once in a while (any of you, perhaps?).

As for winters: I love them. I don't like how long they last in MN/WI (about 6 months), but I do like the snow and cold and winter activities. Just get a decent coat/parka, long underwear, and some good boots and you will be fine.

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Plus, the admissions counselor is super sweet. She called me to let me know about my acceptance, and that gets major points....

Hey did Janis Gray call you? She's indeed the sweetest (based from the email correspondences I had w/ her). Very welcoming too and I have the same feeling since I am outside of the US as well and the impression I get from the correspondences highly impact my liking for specific programs and schools.

I have never had a White Christmas much less seen snow since I come from a very tropical country. I am a beach bum as well so I have yet to see if winter sports will suit me.

I hope I hear from them soon. :)

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Hey Gizmoow and Happyhulalola!

Is Syracuse your first choice? How does it rank in your choices (assuming you get accepted to all schools you applied for)?

Same here, really hard to say...

My top priority is to get into a program that has strong career services, especially bcz I'm an international student, and that's what I'm wondering about Syracuse. You hear highly of their Public Admin program but the IR doesn't seem to be as strong... or am I wrong???

Besides that, although I haven't had the opportunity to communicate to their admin officers, it seems like a really nice school and I'm already starting to imagine myself being there. I feel I'll recieve a lot more personal attention there than the other big-city/large cohort schools which is a big plus for me.

Program-wise, my dream school would be SAIS, but I have no econ background, and I fear if I was lucky enough to get in, I wouldn't be able to keep up with their rigorous quants, but quants and econ is exactly what I need to enhance my career...

anywayz, yes, Syracuse is my first choice for now.

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Yes, it was Ms. Gray that called! I just love her and I don't really even know her.

What is important to me is that my grad school be an APSIA member, which Syracuse is. I think that is the most important thing.

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Congrats to everyone who has gotten in so far! I applied to the Public Diplomacy program at Syracuse so I haven't heard anything yet (supposed to by the 11th, ah it's driving me crazy!). I'm actually in the Syracuse area so I can speak to what it's like. It is true winter is cold and we get a lot of snow (I think we've had over 120 inches this year), but to their credit the area is good at dealing with it (as opposed to the DC area where I did undergrad and it would shut down with 2 inches). The city itself is not huge or terribly hip like other cities people might be considering (NYC, DC, etc.) but the cost of living is much much lower and there are some good attractions. There are a number of museums, a symphony/other performing arts companies, a zoo, and downtown there are some pretty good restaurants and bars (I haven't really been there on the weekends, but I've heard they are pretty hopping, although that may be with the many many undergrads here). The city is pretty much built around the University as it brings in so many students and so much money, but the good thing is there are lots of sporting events that go with it (football, basketball, lacrosse) which are fun to go to. If you like outdoor activities, it's great for that as there are a lot of parks outside the city, areas for hiking, skiing, etc. While I don't want to spend the rest of my life here, I don't mind being here for a while. My boyfriend says the city's motto should be "Syracuse: It's not that bad" and it's pretty true. Hope that helps!

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Hey all,

I just received an email from Ms. Gray telling me I am admitted to the program! Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: She said she wished she could have called.

Anyway, I am waiting for the thought to sink in... hahaha!

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Oh, Syracuse. I went to Cornell, just down the road in Ithaca. There were two reasons to drive 45 min to visit Syracuse: the airport and the mall. On the plus side, it is suuuuuuper cheap (especially if you're used to living in a major metropolitan area) and, if you are a college sports person, Syracuse is a huge sports school.

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Congrats ashes!

How do you feel about it? Have any school that you are pulling toward?

I've been day dreaming alot about Fletcher and would love to go there but whenever I start thinking about costs I get a little freaked out. I qualified for a $10,000 annual scholarship from Denver but I haven't been impressed with the responsiveness of their admissions office (they sent me a link to a website for admitted students with a password that didn't work last week and still haven't fixed the situation and haven't responded to some other questions I had). My parents live outside Boston so I could live at home to offset costs (thought that would surely kill any semblance of a social life). I'm still waiting to hear back from Georgetown, I'm not sure how I feel about being so far from DC but I think Fletcher is better suited for my academic interests.

I haven't researched the Maxwell school in any depth though I will now that I got accepted...Well there's my thought process, pretty jumbled.

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I don't understand this - I also got the DU $10,00 scholarship but the acceptance letter never listed a password. It listed an admitted student ID but you set your own password when you logged onto the site for the first time.

Anyway - I'm biased. I've not heard from Fletcher but regardless I'm about 95% sure I'm going to DU because I don't want to live on the East Coast again - which is saying something because after my admission interview Fletcher was my first choice, so I'd like to have more people join me in what I'm sure will be an amazing experience. :D

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040404: Congrats!


You should go where you feel the most confident and comfortable. Obviously money is an issue, but is $10,000 exchangeable for your happiness? You can always live at home for the first year and then maybe move out. I am sure you will make friends at Fletcher that will let you crash on their couches every once in a while when you need a break from the home life. About DC, Boston isn't too far; it's definitely within driving/busing distance. Fletcher is an APSIA school and I'm sure prominent societal figures have come out of Fletcher and landed in DC.


What is wrong with the east coast? Is there something I should know? How different will it be from small town, upper Midwestern life? Ha ha ha...

--- I haven't heard anything from the other schools I applied to, but somehow, I feel like I won't be as ecstatic as I was when I heard from Syracuse. We shall see.

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