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Campus Visits Prior to Acceptance


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I was wondering if anyone else was considering campus visits prior to acceptance? I am applying to a few places that don't have visit weekends, and I am trying to decide if I should visit in December, or wait to see if I'm accepted and then plan a trip. (These are all long-distance trips, from West Coast to Midwest and East Coast; I already have a visit scheduled to the one school that I can drive to.)

I'd love anyone's thoughts on this, whether applying now or if you've already been through it. Thanks!

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Bearcat1 - for a long-distance trip ($$$), what do you think the positives are for visiting campus prior to acceptance? Do you think you can significantly increase your odds of being accepted vs. just talking to those same professors on the phone? I am considering visiting a couple of my "reach" schools to try to up my odds of acceptance and am curious on your logic for visiting...

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Bearcat1 - for a long-distance trip ($$$), what do you think the positives are for visiting campus prior to acceptance? Do you think you can significantly increase your odds of being accepted vs. just talking to those same professors on the phone? I am considering visiting a couple of my "reach" schools to try to up my odds of acceptance and am curious on your logic for visiting...

I definitely considered that, although my "reach" schools are all private and have visit weekends, so I think visiting now would seem strange (would they know why I'm there?). One of my worries is having time to plan and go on a visit before I have to make a decision, especially if I am invited on visit weekends and have to schedule around those. So I was thinking maybe it makes more sense to visit now?

Edited by Bearcat1
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There are a lot of different opinions on pre-admission visits and I think it`s another one of those aspects of grad admission that varies a tremendous amount between various situations. I chose to make pre-admission visits to two middle-range (in terms of distance from me) schools and I do think that it made a difference in my case. I would definitely consider going if you will be able to watch your potential adviser lecture or lead a seminar as this something most visit weekends don`t include and it helps to get a sense of the person`s working style. Going to the campus also gives you a chance to talk with other graduate students, the DGS and get a general sense of the place. I feel it also shows the school that you have a level of commitment to the program; both of the programs I visited accepted me. I was told by my undergrad adviser that in her experience, when visits go well, they do tend to help when decision time comes around as the person has a better idea of who you are. All that being said, I also opted for a phone rather than fly across the country to California. I would consider visits to your top two choices if the financial investment is not too steep. I would definitely opt for a phone call for programs that are farther down on your preference list.

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Thanks, Shelley. That helps a lot. I've already have phone conversations with 7 of the nine POIs where I'm applying, and I'm in the process of scheduling calls with the other two, but I definitely think seeing them "in action" and meeting other professors in the program would be beneficial.

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I discussed visits with my schools of interest - some said to definitely come before applications were due because they were NOT allowed to speak with me during their review process, but were eager to meet students beforehand. Others said don't bother coming unless I was accepted because then they pay for the trip. It definitely helps to have some communication beforehand.

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