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MA General Psych, what are my chances??


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Hi everyone!

I am applying to masters programs in general psychology. My undergrad degree is in international studies, but I took a few psych classes as well. Eventually I want to get my PhD but I don't have the research or course work to apply yet.

I took the GRE and got a 159 Q and 156 V (verbal, not so great....).

My GPA is a 3.66/4.0.

I have relevant volunteer work (crisis hotline volunteer), good letter of recommendations, and I took and did well in a few stat classes in undergrad (all A's), including a masters econometrics class.

Opinions? Do I have a chance for admission to a masters program in general psych?

Thank you!!

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Do they have an email for the master's program? Wouldn't hurt to shoot them an email and ask them about minimum or average stats. But just looking at your stats (frankly I don't really understand the new GRE system and I sort of don't want to) you seem like you shouldn't have any problem getting into a few master's programs. I'd apply to a few places just in case.

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I am going to apply to a few places but Catholic is my top choice and they have spring admissions, so I'll submit that application before all the others which start in the fall.

My GRE scores are roughly a 750Q and 550V on the old scale, if that helps.

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I'd imagine you have a pretty good chance.General Psych MA programs (especially the unfunded ones) tend to be slightly less selective (in terms of GPA/GRE) than PhD programs. Not that your scores are bad at all, but you're in a good position with regard to GPA/GRE for MA programs.If you're worried about not having taken many psych classes, a lot of General Psych programs are designed for people like you who weren't psych majors but eventually want to have a psych-related career. If you're really worried about it, you could take the psych GRE subject test if you think you can do well.

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