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Study Abroad Transcript?

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Hi all,

Another application question for you guys....I studied abroad for a semester during my undergrad career. I directly matriculated into the university there, but since it was through my undergrad institution, I don't have a transcript from the university abroad. All of my classes are listed on my undergrad transcript, but are in a foreign language and with my international grade (which is totally different from the American system), even though I received pass/fail credit from my undergrad institution for those classes.

My question revolves around how to treat this issue for applications. I tried calling the CSDCAS help desk, and I think my situation was so confusing that the lady I spoke to gave me 3 different answers during the same call. Some schools specifically say that they do NOT want study abroad transcripts, while others say they want all international transcripts.

Any advice? Anyone else in the same position?

Thanks :)

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I remember finding that the CSDCAS help desk was often overworked, and it was easier to contact schools directly. I would ask each school what they'd like you to do, and then follow through. For schools that don't want study abroad transcripts, I would imagine that you would just upload your transcript as is, but it never hurts to check.

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I remember finding that the CSDCAS help desk was often overworked, and it was easier to contact schools directly. I would ask each school what they'd like you to do, and then follow through. For schools that don't want study abroad transcripts, I would imagine that you would just upload your transcript as is, but it never hurts to check.

I am in a linguistics MA program (hopefully soon to be speech language pathology, once I graduate) anyways thats irrelevant....but I agree with the post above. I was in the same situation when I was applying! I had some schools tell me to get the transcript from my semester abroad, and some did not care, I would suggest you ask schools and you do it soon. I studied in France, and based on my experience, getting an offical transcript can take a while....although that could have just been the school I was at.

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