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Can you use same referees for funding as you do for admissions?


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I'd like to apply to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship, but I'm finding it kind of confusing now that they've spun the process off to the separate universities. One of the schools I'm applying to will be considering every grad school applicant for the OGS, but some others will make you apply separately for the OGS. I've already asked my referees for admissions - would it be considered rude if I now email them and say "hey, are you okay with recommending me twice to the same school and submitting your letter once to them for admissions, and once for the scholarship?" Or do I need to ask them in a totally separate fashion - is it considered different to ask someone to recommend you for funding vs asking them to recommend you for admissions? How do I go about this?

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It is definitely not a problem. How is that different than asking them to recommend you to one more school? Whatever way the university handles admissions and scholarships, or whatever changes they made, is not within your control. So your recommenders should understand.

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It is definitely not a problem. How is that different than asking them to recommend you to one more school? Whatever way the university handles admissions and scholarships, or whatever changes they made, is not within your control. So your recommenders should understand.

Thank you. That helps! I feel like I should have been more organized and asked them from the start, but I didn't want to ask when all the details weren't available yet... sigh. It's always chaotic when it's the pilot year for a big change like this.

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