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I want to be a graphic designer (BFA and MFA in painting and drawing)


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Hey, all.

I am in need of some serious help.

My situation:

I am currently pursuing an MFA in painting and drawing, but I plan on applying to graphic design programs next fall.

I have experience in painting, drawing, bookmaking, letterpress, and digital printmaking.

I will be making content-based books next spring, summer, and fall.

They will combine all of my aforementioned skills.They will be clean and well-presented.

I'm not interested in rustic-looking objects.

However, I am really confused because I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what graphic design programs are looking for.

What should I put in my portfolio? Do I even have a chance of getting in with an art-based portfolio?

I am also not really sure which programs I should be applying to.

I want to work for "hip" companies that do well but don't necessarily hire a million people.

I am NOT interested in working for corporations.

I want to work with graphics. If I can combine digital printmaking, letterpress, and bookmaking

with the process of graphic design, then all the better!!

I love anything beautiful and I love the way that this particular "company" presents itself:



I feel silly because I don't even know what kind of questions to formulate

as I know very little of graphic design save that it makes everything look wonderful.

Hopefully I will come up with more specific questions as you guys reply to my question!

Thank you for taking the time to read this long ramble.



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