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Quick SOP question

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How serious is it if you go over the word count for your Statement of Purpose? I am supposed to only write 750 words, but at the moment I cannot seem to cut to more than 800 words. Do schools really count the number of words?

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Okay, so I have the same problem. My SOP is around 580 words, and Northwestern wants "approximately" 400-500, according to their website. I don't see how I'm going to cut anything out of mine. Would submitting a SOP at this length jeopardize my application in any way? I need to know soon because today is the deadline, haha.

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Okay, so I have the same problem. My SOP is around 580 words, and Northwestern wants "approximately" 400-500, according to their website. I don't see how I'm going to cut anything out of mine. Would submitting a SOP at this length jeopardize my application in any way? I need to know soon because today is the deadline, haha.

Hey Two Espressos,

Is there absolutely no way to cut it any further? I think if you get it to maybe 550 it'll be alright. Last year, I submitted a 525-word SoP to a program with the same requirement and was wait-listed. I don't think it's anyone's job to sit there counting SOP lengths, but if the document looks/feels long it might be an issue. If you do happen to go with the longer statement, I'd suggest (as noted above) uploading it as a PDF to ensure there's no easy way for word-length to be counted. If it were me, I'd at least try to get it to 550 though.

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Hey Two Espressos,

Is there absolutely no way to cut it any further? I think if you get it to maybe 550 it'll be alright. Last year, I submitted a 525-word SoP to a program with the same requirement and was wait-listed. I don't think it's anyone's job to sit there counting SOP lengths, but if the document looks/feels long it might be an issue. If you do happen to go with the longer statement, I'd suggest (as noted above) uploading it as a PDF to ensure there's no easy way for word-length to be counted. If it were me, I'd at least try to get it to 550 though.

Thanks for your input! After scrutinizing my SOP some more, I believe I will at least be able to get it to 550 words or less.

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My NW one is 515. It fits on one page. I think as long as you fit on one page (single-spaced, obviously), you'll be okay. Good luck!

OMIT NEEDLESS WORDS - My life right now.

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My NW one is 515. It fits on one page. I think as long as you fit on one page (single-spaced, obviously), you'll be okay. Good luck!

OMIT NEEDLESS WORDS - My life right now.

Mine was like 517 or something. But wait-- did it *have* to be single-spaced? Mine's double-spaced. I don't remember reading that it had to be single-spaced?

Oh god, am I fucking this up already?!

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My Wisconsin one is about 530 and REALLY doesn't fit on one page. I think there can be a fair amount of differentiation based on format (and word choice) that make 50 words over really tough to distinguish on sight.

I feel like the standard practice is single spaced sop, double spaced writing sample but, unless the program specifically asks for single spaced, double spacing is not really a big deal. (And I feel like I may have one program somewhere in this mess asking for double spaced so... Ymmv and all that.)

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Most schools don't specify. My writing sample is obviously double-spaced. Chicago gave their required lengths in single-spaced pages for the SoP and double-spaced pages of the WS, so--unless a school expressly forbids it--I've been writing my SoPs single spaced.

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I don't think it matters one way or the other, unless the school specifically requires it. I submitted all my SOPs double-spaced last year and was wait-listed at three schools. I think it looks better and is easier to read double-spaced, so that's how I'm doing it.

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I usually did 1.15 for my single spaced ones because it looks better. The only one where I kept it straight up single spaced was Colorado bc their's states it can only be 1-11/2 pages, and 1.15 made it closer to two.

If it doesn't specify, assume single spaced. If it does, do whatever it says.

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I single spaced unless specified as well, except for University of Arizona's RCTE program. The website states that the average SoP is three to six pages long, so I assumed they meant double-spaced!

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