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MA ranking matter?

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Hello all,

So... back in the summer I was working hard on PhD applications, but for a variety of reasons I decided to put off applying this year. Not least among those reasons was a desire to clarify my motivation; another was a(n unexpected) happiness at my current job in the social work field. I didn't think I would be ready to give that up if offered admission to a program.

Well, here I am, still on the fence about a PhD. I've been working full-time and freelancing for a state-wide paper. It's been great, but I'm still just up in the air about what to do. On the one hand, I really want to pursue a career in academia, on the other, I'd like to be a neurosurgen. (Not really, but you get the idea.)

Anyway, lately I've been thinking that maybe an MA would help me clarify my direction. It would give me a better taste of academia, but it wouldn't necessarily close all other doors. (I know, I'd have a harder time getting a job as a computer engineer with an MA in English Lit., but that's fine by me. It's really between social work and academia, and my social work creds are high enough that a year or two away wouldn't shut out all opportunities.)

My question is, if I do this, is it worth moving for? There's a program in my town that offers funding, but isn't ranked so well. If I did decide to go for the PhD afterward, I'd like to aim at a top-20 program. Would an MA from a not-superbly-ranked program hurt my chances? Or would that clarification process be looked upon favorably, if only because they'd have greater confidence in my motivation and ability to succeed?

Any input is appreciated, but I'd love to hear from people to got their MA and went on to do other things--be it a PhD, teach at a CC, or change careers altogether.



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If you are happy and fulfilled doing anything else, don't go into academia. It's like trying to be an artist. Unless you really have to do it, and would be making your art no matter what else is happening in your life, it is a bad life decision to attempt to do it professionally.

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Yeah... I definitely appreciate the input, and have read/obsessed over all the warnings before. Part of the clarification, for me, then, would be deciding once and for all whether it is something I really have to do. I am hoping an MA might help me decide that. If so, then I can move forward feeling confident in my sacrifice. Sinon, well then, I haven't given so much up and I can move on confidently, without this looming question.

An MA would also be helpful if I wanted to teach--not just at a CC, but at the high school level. I'd be following many before me in my bloodline, and I see no problem with that...

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I think an MA sounds like a great idea, and an excellent way to clarify your desires. That's essentially what I did. I wasn't set on a PhD in English when I started my master's program--I was just toying with the idea--but the deeper I got into the MA, the more motivated I got. I found what I really wanted to study and became pretty passionate about it. I have a friend who went straight to Columbia's PhD program, but left after her MA for the opposite reason. If you can find a funded offer, that's great, but I don't think the "prestige" of the institution is terribly important, especially if you're using it as a way to sort out your interests/real desires. Good luck! :)

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on this topic, are there any MA programs similar to Georgetown's or Villanova's that people recommend? Those both look unique and great...and seem to offer really supportive environments!

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