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About UCSB


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Hey, I am from China, and I might have an opportunity to be recruited as a PhD student to the University of California Santa Barbara. It is the CS program. 


I found that CS@UCSB is ranked 30+ according to the US news, and top 10 according to the NRC. 


I am confused, so I want to know what the people in the US or some other countries think of this univ and the program? in terms of the reputation in both the academia and the industry, etc. 



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I completed my undergrad at UCSB and loved it there. Though I can't speak for the cs program as I was in marine science. UCSB has an excellent academic and research reputation, and 5 nobel laureates on faculty. It's an awesome place to live, work and play. If you have any questions about the school and/or the community, feel free to pm me.

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UCSB is a great place, I did a research internship there at the ECE department on BioImage Informatics last year. Who will you be working with at the CS department? I might give you some tips I know.


I loved it because I liked to have a lot of fun too.

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I'm just finishing up my undergraduate degree (philosophy) at UCSB. I don't know much about the geography or computer science programs (though Prof. Montello in Geography is one of the most entertaining and engaging professors I've had a class with), but I can comment on the campus/campus life. First, if you haven't seen the campus in person, I'd recommend doing so. It is really beautiful, the beach stretches along the edge of campus, the lagoon has great views, and there are a few decent trails for beach views. 


The academic reputation obviously varies by department, but overall UCSB has a very strong reputation. 


My last bit of advice: UCSB is directly adjacent to Isla Vista, a college town I currently live in. Isla Vista is intense, and there aren't many places like it. Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays get very loud, drunk people are everywhere, and Halloween is insane. If you want a quiet place to live, you'll have to live elsewhere. The upside of living in Isla Vista is that the entire campus is accessible via bike path, and this is how most students get around. Driving on campus is almost impossible.


If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. I love UCSB and highly recommend it, but it does have it's unique qualities.

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I'm just finishing up my undergraduate degree (philosophy) at UCSB. I don't know much about the geography or computer science programs (though Prof. Montello in Geography is one of the most entertaining and engaging professors I've had a class with), but I can comment on the campus/campus life. First, if you haven't seen the campus in person, I'd recommend doing so. It is really beautiful, the beach stretches along the edge of campus, the lagoon has great views, and there are a few decent trails for beach views. 


The academic reputation obviously varies by department, but overall UCSB has a very strong reputation. 


My last bit of advice: UCSB is directly adjacent to Isla Vista, a college town I currently live in. Isla Vista is intense, and there aren't many places like it. Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays get very loud, drunk people are everywhere, and Halloween is insane. If you want a quiet place to live, you'll have to live elsewhere. The upside of living in Isla Vista is that the entire campus is accessible via bike path, and this is how most students get around. Driving on campus is almost impossible.


If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. I love UCSB and highly recommend it, but it does have it's unique qualities.

Hi, thanks for your infomation. I would like to know about the placements of UCSB masters or PhD graduates, especially in science and engineering majors(such as computer science and electrical engineering). How do people in the industry or related academic field say about UCSB graduates in general? How do people in California view about UCSB(in comparison with other UCs)?

I've had the idea that UCSB is becoming much more attractive and has gained a lot of reputation in recent years(such as getting 5 Nobel Prizes within 7 years) in the academic field.

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I don't know about placement records, you'd have to contact the department for that. 


In California, we generally see the best UC's in these tiers: 1. Berkeley and UCLA, 2. UCSD, 3. UCI and UCSB. UCSB has been improving a lot lately academically, the Nobel Prize winners being one factor.

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