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Fordham vs NYU


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Hey everyone, 


I'm currently in the waiting process from a couple schools that I've applied to for Fall 2013. I applied to both these schools and am awaiting a response. In the meantime I wanted to ask you all about your opinion between the two. Which one has a better clinical focus? Which one is "worth your money"? If I'm accepted to both I'd definitely have trouble deciding which one to go to. Love to hear what you all have to say. 

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Hey there!


As far as I can tell, Fordham and NYU are seemingly the same.. Almost identically ranked (Fordham #11 and NYU #16) with similar prices and location... I applied to both as well (submitted applications on 9/28/2012) and heard back from NYU about 10 days later but have yet to hear anything from Fordham... which is discouraging because they have "rolling admission".


I got a pretty good academic scholarship from NYU, so for me personally, if Fordham accepts me and doesn't provide any scholarship funds, I will go with NYU. From those I have talked to in the program, both are exceptional for clinical focus, with great field placements.


Because we won't be getting rich as Social Workers, I would go with whichever one is more financially doable for you, since the programs seem so similar on paper.


Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh I forgot to add...how did NYU notify you? by mail? letter? through their online application status ? 

NYU emailed me the admission decision was made and I had to log into my application website to view my acceptance letter. The scholarship was listed in the letter. I had two weeks to deposit $200 to hold my place. So i deposited, but am still waiting on other schools!


Fordham emailed me as well, with a follow up postal letter. There was no financial information, but I did not fill out a FAFSA, so I am most likely not eligible for financial aid.

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