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Business PhD without GMAT


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Hi everyone,

Currently, I'm doing my MBA program, expecting graduation is on Summer 2014.

Does any body know any good business school that offers PhD with no GMAT required?!

I have 12 years of work experience

Thanking in advance


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GRE can be substituted in place for GMAT at most places. Institutions require a standardized tet to compare applicants on an even playing field. Work experience is great, but phd is focused on research, so unlike an MBA, research exp is valued over work experience. Do you mind if I ask why you are considering a phd?

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  • 2 weeks later...

You will definitely need a GMAT or GRE score for any real PhD program. In fact you will need a decent quant score.

12 years of work experience may be good for an MBA program, but PhD programs are research oriented and if anything some ad comms view work experience negatively (maybe this is foolish, but that's the reality).

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I'm going to disagree with TheFez and say you can find PhD programs without GMAT or GRE scores that are accredited and real. The school I am at has a program for both PhD and DBA (I went the DBA route). Before I selected my school I did a fair amount of research and was able to talk to someone I know who had attended the school. 

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Well as for the DBA, I have dual interests. I am in South Korea and have been teaching English, though I want to teach Business which requires a doctorate. Obviously the problem with taking classes and being outside the US is not being able to attend a brick and mortar school. The school I went to for my MBA has classes both in a regular setting, online, and then compressed weekends (meaning you attend one weekend for three days straight, which I did once and didn't like much). A few of my MBA course were online, most of them were at the school. So I felt comfortable taking online classes.


The other part is that I have this sick fascination with food. No really I'm serious. Ok, maybe not food, but retailers. Seriously I am interested in the international retail industry in South Korea. Many international companies have tried to enter the market and have been unsuccessful (most notably Wal-Mart and Carrefour) while others have had wonderful success (Tesco and Costco). My dissertation will be a qualitative study on international retail market entry in South Korea. I find the applied research more interesting. 

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