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Duke Literature, 2013

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Is this for real? :blink::o:wacko::unsure::(


Nothing on the results board yet, and last year they didn't send invites for interviews until the very end of Jan... Hoping this is just a fluke and the rest of the invites are still on their way. :ph34r:

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So did anyone else notice that some of the spaces (e.g. "Department") have reverted to blanks on the ApplyYourself application? I think my stomach just dropped to my feet.


I see the same. This must be become we already completed the application. There are only a few subjects left in that list - maybe they are the PhD programs with deadlines that haven't passed yet? I wouldn't take it to mean anything...

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I contacted the department today. I was told that the interviews are an on-going process, and that invitations will be sent out till the end of February. But I don't want to be optimistic as admission to Duke Lit is highly competitive.

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Hi all, I also received an invitation to interview for Duke Lit!  Do we know if these interviews are full admissions committee interviews or just with specific individuals (such as POI)?  Did anyone receive confirmation of their allotted interview time/date (after signing up on the online poll)?  Anyone know further details?  Thanks!

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Congratulations on your interview invitations everybody! You all might want to peruse the Duke thread from last year if you haven't already:

The Duke Lit relevant stuff is mixed in -- interview stuff starts around page 9/10ish and should demystify some things or relieve some anxiety or maybe send you hurtling into a pit of smelly, viscous despair.  :rolleyes: It probably won't be that latter.

I can tell you that last year there were in-person interviews during a prospectives weekend and skype interviews for those who couldn't make it (all international applicants, I think). Both in-person and skype interviews were with the entire admissions committee (7 people last year). The in-person interviews were done in two settings in one day (with half the group each time) and I believe the skype interviews were with everybody all at once. I have no idea how much of that has changed for this year.

And for some generic (and unsolicited) advice: look at the interview as being as much for you as it is for the adcomm (maybe more). I know it can seem daunting, intimidating, and a little ridiculous when no other program asks this of you after an already-stressful application season but it's actually to your advantage since it gives you a clearer idea of some of the people and personalities in the program and what they're working on, what they're interested in you bringing to the table, and where you might eventually go together. I think for most of us last year it was really helpful in determining whether Duke Lit was or was not the right place for us. So "this is your chance to find out," I guess is the theme of my pep talk.  :) Maybe take it as more of a productive discussion than an interview. And prepare a few questions to ask! That way you have something to fall back on should your mind go blank AND you won't feel like you're being interrogated. Or, less so. 


Good luck everyone!

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Has anyone else who interviewed heard anything from Duke Lit?  enonce, did you interview?  Also, thanks for the post with helpful information a while back, Enzian!


I Interviewed on 2-1-13, and still haven't heard anything.  I emailed to ask, but no response.  I feel at ease because I have other offers, but Duke is my first choice!

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Hey all. They flew eight of us down a week ago, and are making six offers; I believe they're in the process of notifying now. That said, I wouldn't give up hope if you've interviewed and haven't heard; I'm guessing you're in a de facto waitlist position and that they'll extend further offers if/when some of those first six decline. Feel free to PM if you want to talk about the program.

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