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Changing Degrees in Same Dept


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I have a strange dilemma. I submitted a Ph. D. application to a school under the wrong area of study. I was recently invited to an interview at said school, but noticed I was not under the area of study I thought I had submitted my application under. The two field are closely related, but I believe I would be a slightly better fit in the other area of study. They are both in the psychology department.


After going back to review the online application, I believe I skipped over this very minor section entirely and the area of study was automatically set to the first one on the list. Luckily it is something I have experience in, but would have been my 2nd choice, not my 1st choice of study. When reviewing the application PDF, the area of study was not in the PDF at all, so I never even had a chance to catch my mistake.


It's not a big deal, but should I somehow bring this up with my POI during interviews? Or should I just let this slide for now and if I do choose to go to this university, bring it up during my first semester?


Has any one else requested a change of study area within a department before? Is it a relatively simple procedure? I only ask because I know admissions are very strict on how many students they take per area.

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It certainly won't look good if you accept, show up, and say "Actually, I wanted to be in Program X."

But how you handle the matter is entirey up to you. I'd think you'd weigh things like, whether you want to be at that Uni, whether you have other/better offers, whether you feel changing would create problems, etc.

I would also assume the program that you wanted is already full.

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