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So have only found out about this two. But can´t decide, the issues are I love environmental policy and SPEA is stronger plus their website is a bit more complete, but then again location wise DC is DC. Funding also matters as one costs about 25k more than the other. But then again GU is much better known as a univeristy even if it is ranked lower. Advice?

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By "ranked lower," are you referring to the U.S. News and World Report Public Affairs rankings? if so, please don't put too much (if any) stock into them.


Both GPPI and SPEA offer solid programs. 25K is a substantial difference, however—which one costs more? SPEA has a more structured and visible environmental policy focus, but GPPI likely presents similar opportunities and professors specializing in the field. GPPI would be a superior location due to all of the enviro organizations in D.C. when you're looking to land an internship. Based on the class profiles, I'd also say your peers at GPPI are a bit more academically qualified.


Have examined what courses you'd be able to take at each school? At SPEA, would you pursue the MPA or the dual MPA/MSES?

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Congrats on your acceptances!


I'm in the exact same boat (with the exception of the environmental policy specialization) so I'm interested to hear what people have to say about these two schools in relation to post-graduation employment in DC.  My gut tells me that the cheaper option is the better option regardless, even if it means being tucked away in Bloomington for two years.  Perhaps it really does vary by one's specialization.


I keep wondering whether there much validity to claims from more rural schools that they really do have strong ties to DC and can, as a result, really help students find employment there after graduation, however.


It probably makes sense to wait for info re: whether or not funding is going to happen at either school.  Waiting is so difficult haha.

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