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Panicked! UPenn Interview tomorrow!


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Hey all...long time lurker, first time posting.  Freaking out bigtime!  Tomorrow (2/12) is my Upenn interview.  Applying for the MSW program.  I'm doing in person rather than skype, in large part because I've heard about technical issues that can occur which make it tougher to give the best impression.


I've checked a lot of threads here and I guess the interview process is pretty positive, but it doesn't stop me from panicking.  This is a dream school for me. I've been to their info sessions and done a ton of research and I like what I see at Penn.  But I'm not a traditional student either.  I'm older (mom of two kiddos), completed some of my coursework online, but have a great gpa and some positive intangibles.  Hoping I can wow them enough!


Any last minute advice is appreciated!  Good luck everybody.

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Questions to expect would be helpful.  Have read a bit and I think I have an okay grasp.  I wish I could relax, but that's just not in my DNA.  I've reviewed my application essay, reviewed my "whys" for wanting Penn.  Got a spanking new JNY suit for the occasion; dressing like it's a job interview.  Trying to rehearse my "why do you want to be a social worker" answer because I'm certain that will be asked.  

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Have you seen this handy blog post? http://sp2admissionsblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/admission-interview-what-applicants.html

From what I've heard the interview is pretty low key, I'm sure you'll be fine, just try to take some time to relax. If you have a chance, come back and post how it went, I'd love to hear a first hand account, my interview is Feb. 20th via Skype.


Good luck!

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Have you seen this handy blog post? http://sp2admissionsblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/admission-interview-what-applicants.html

From what I've heard the interview is pretty low key, I'm sure you'll be fine, just try to take some time to relax. If you have a chance, come back and post how it went, I'd love to hear a first hand account, my interview is Feb. 20th via Skype.


Good luck!

 I definitely will post my experiences - and check out that link.  Just nervous.  Will feel better when it's just behind me and I can then start the agonizing wait for a decision.  At least from what I have heard, decisions come within 3 weeks of interviews.  not all of the time, but often.

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Okay, here's my update.  I'll try to be thorough since Penn is a popular program and others (like me) may want to compare and contrast experiences. I did find an older thread on this topic, but I found my experience to be different.  It may depend on who you interview with.


For starters, I read descriptions that described the interview as "laid back', and a lot of talking - very comfortable. Do not assume this to be the case.  It will depend on who is interviewing you (current staff, alumni, faculty, etc).  My interview was generally pleasant, but it was certainly rigorous and professional.  It was definitely not "laid back". It felt very much like a job interview.  It was conversational, but not informal.  


Questions to know:  The usual stuff. I wasn't thrown any real curveballs here.  Why Penn?  Why social work?  Be prepared to discuss weaknesses in your background and have satisfactory answers.  Why is your GPA low?  (Mine isn't, but you get the idea) One of my weaknesses was lack of experience.  We spent a lot of time on this.  They clearly want people who understand what social work is and what it isn't.  This is tougher when you don't have any real experience, and this is why I'm concerned I won't be accepted.  However, my background is what it is. I think I would make an excellent Penn student, but I don't get to decide :)


Other questions:  Talk about strengths and weaknesses, both personally and academically (if appropriate).  Talk knowledgeably about the program at SP2.  Come in with questions to ask, but try not to ask questions about Penn itself.  For example, I asked a question about a program at Penn, not specifically part of SP2, and she wasn't able to answer it.  Instead, focus on SP2 questions, or about Penn in a more general sense.  Talk about what you want to do with your degree.


I think some keys to focus on in terms of "why Penn" are the interdisciplinary approach, the unique urban campus, the civic mindedness of the student body, and social justice.  I think my interviewer was pleased with my answers in this regard.  


My interview was about 45 minutes.  It wasn't a bad experience but I'm glad it's over.  :)


I am in the early decision pool, so I should hear in 2 weeks or less.  I know some folks have heard sooner.  Anything is possible, I guess, but that's what I was told.  My general sense is that I did well in the interview, but that some of my background is not what Penn desires.  It is a highly competitive program and I didn't feel I was able to adequately focus on all of my strengths.  However, it's probably impossible to do that.  Either way, I have applied to several schools and I'm confident I will find a program that is anxious to admit me.  I hope it's Penn, but...hey.  We'll see!


Good luck to all Penn applicants :)

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I have my interview with Penn tomorrow via skype. I am so nervous. This is the first interview i have ever done. I'm finishing up my last semester of undergrad, but am graduating a full year early, so i feel very unprepared going into the interview. I don't have much social work experience at all, so i'm worried i will be penalized for that. Who did you interview with?

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I have my interview with Penn tomorrow via skype. I am so nervous. This is the first interview i have ever done. I'm finishing up my last semester of undergrad, but am graduating a full year early, so i feel very unprepared going into the interview. I don't have much social work experience at all, so i'm worried i will be penalized for that. Who did you interview with?

The Associate Dean.  It could be if you are doing skype that it will be someone "lower" (I would hope for alumni or other staff!)  My biggest suggestions to you for skype are: MAKE SURE YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IS WORKING AND SUFFICIENT!  Technical problems have happened and it doesn't reflect well.  I mean, things happen of course but try to minimize it.  Second, log in to skype early.  Dress well, even though it's skype.  Log in early.  And good luck!  We can wait together :)  the wait is already killing me!

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Gradschoolmom, thanks for posting your experience and interview tips! I really appreciate it! My interview isn't until next Wednesday but I'm starting to get nervous, I'm really not looking forward to having to be awake and interview ready by 7am pacific time! I did research at Penn a couple of summers back and it was culminated by presenting my project with a group of other interns then getting grilled by Penn psych staff, I suppose if I got through that I should be able to handle a Skype interview.


Good luck to all the other Penn applicants! With interviews happening we should have answers soon!

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The Associate Dean.  It could be if you are doing skype that it will be someone "lower" (I would hope for alumni or other staff!)  My biggest suggestions to you for skype are: MAKE SURE YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IS WORKING AND SUFFICIENT!  Technical problems have happened and it doesn't reflect well.  I mean, things happen of course but try to minimize it.  Second, log in to skype early.  Dress well, even though it's skype.  Log in early.  And good luck!  We can wait together :)  the wait is already killing me!

My interview went so much better than i expected! i have high hopes!! two weeks for me to hear as well!! 

Good luck!

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When did you submit your application? It takes a few weeks to get the interview e-mail

I got my interview request about 3 weeks after my file was complete (which took another 3 weeks for transcripts and recommendations)


dddoodle - glad your interview went terrific!  Good luck in the wait, please update with results.  I've already been googling "upenn rejection letters" cause I'm pretty sure my experience level is just not enough here.  My grades are not the problem and I think I got good recommendations although I think, now having the interview, I would have chosen one different recommender, but either way, we'll see.  I'm also waiting on USC, Bryn Mawr (last minute app) and BU.

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I got my interview request about 3 weeks after my file was complete (which took another 3 weeks for transcripts and recommendations)


dddoodle - glad your interview went terrific!  Good luck in the wait, please update with results.  I've already been googling "upenn rejection letters" cause I'm pretty sure my experience level is just not enough here.  My grades are not the problem and I think I got good recommendations although I think, now having the interview, I would have chosen one different recommender, but either way, we'll see.  I'm also waiting on USC, Bryn Mawr (last minute app) and BU.

just giving an update, i was accepted into the program! beyond excited. good luck with your interview!

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just giving an update, i was accepted into the program! beyond excited. good luck with your interview!

 That's really great news! Still waiting to hear, but expecting a rejection...but still waiting on USC & BU, so hope are high.  @Ruby - GOOD LUCK! I know it's nerve wracking!

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just giving an update, i was accepted into the program! beyond excited. good luck with your interview!

dddoodle, if you mind sharing, also, did you receive any scholarship consideration or funding for the MSW?  I've seen average aid packages of between $10K-$15K for students; just wondered if that was in line.

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dddoodle, if you mind sharing, also, did you receive any scholarship consideration or funding for the MSW?  I've seen average aid packages of between $10K-$15K for students; just wondered if that was in line.

I haven't received my financial aid info yet, i should be getting within the week! i will let you know when i find out.

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Well, I had my interview at an ungodly early hour on the west coast. It went well, I was told straight up the I was being recommended for admission and should have the official word within three weeks depending on which faculty member gets my file. She did say that faculty sometimes surprise her with decisions, but  the fact that she's recommending me makes me feel very hopeful!

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Well, I had my interview at an ungodly early hour on the west coast. It went well, I was told straight up the I was being recommended for admission and should have the official word within three weeks depending on which faculty member gets my file. She did say that faculty sometimes surprise her with decisions, but  the fact that she's recommending me makes me feel very hopeful!

That's great news!  Who did you interview with?

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Well, I had my interview at an ungodly early hour on the west coast. It went well, I was told straight up the I was being recommended for admission and should have the official word within three weeks depending on which faculty member gets my file. She did say that faculty sometimes surprise her with decisions, but  the fact that she's recommending me makes me feel very hopeful!

i had the same experience. my interviewer told me she was recommending me, and also that the faculty does sometimes surprise her, but i got in!! so maybe it will be the same for you! i also heard two days after my interview, so you may hear sooner than you think. 

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gradschoolmom-I interviewed with the associate director of admissions, she was super nice...even when the internet failed on me. (Skype dropped the call in the first three minutes of the interview. Not my ideal start).


ddoodle-it's good to hear you had the same experience and got in! It gives me a bit more hope. Out of curiosity, were you applying for the two year program or advanced standing? 


Earlier I wasn't super excited about it, I think I was too tired while simultaneously wired on coffee for the prospect to really hit me, but now I'm having to actively work to not get my hopes up. Hopefully I'll hear sooner rather than later!

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i had the same experience. my interviewer told me she was recommending me, and also that the faculty does sometimes surprise her, but i got in!! so maybe it will be the same for you! i also heard two days after my interview, so you may hear sooner than you think. 

Did you get an emailed acceptance or was it posted in your messages in the application portal?  Congrats again on your acceptance!  I know most folks hear pretty quickly so I don't expect a positive result, but I have some other great options and am really excited about Bryn Mawr & USC too!  Great info for those who are interviewing!

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I haven't received my financial aid info yet, i should be getting within the week! i will let you know when i find out.

Received my financial aid info today, i received 13k. It is still going to be a long shot that i can afford it though. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on possibly emailing financial aid, and asking if they would consider offering more? what do people think about this idea?

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Received my financial aid info today, i received 13k. It is still going to be a long shot that i can afford it though. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on possibly emailing financial aid, and asking if they would consider offering more? what do people think about this idea?

  $13K is actually a pretty generous offer, just from what I've heard anecdotally and at the information seminar I attended in January.  While I was there, the financial aid folks did say that they do not consider it "bad" to ask for more.  Just know that it likely won't be MUCH more.   You might be able to get $15K, but I'd be surprised if it's more than that, only because the financial aid guy at the info seminar said the average awards are between $5K-$15K.  So I could see getting the very high end of that estimate. 

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