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Combining campus visits?

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Has anyone ever managed to combine campus visits? I'm in New England right now, and I've gotten accepted to two Californian schools. Both are willing to pay for (some) of the travel, but if I can somehow do this in a single trip, it'd be cheaper for all three of us. But I'd feel super awkward asking....

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I am doing that, but I'm an international student, so the schools even offered that I do it that way to keep down costs. Did both schools invite you to recruitment events or to flexibly visit whenever? In the latter case, I wouldn't feel too akward asking. It's still a pretty long trip for you, and they will know that applicants apply to (and are admitted to) more than one school. And if they can save $$ in the process, I don't think they would mind.

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just book a longer flight - submit it to the first interviewer. ask the hotel for 2 bills - 1 for the first interview and the other for the 2nd


you don't have to mention the 2 interviews - tell school #2 that you will be in california on such and such date. If that first date is no good then book it for the day before school #1

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It's totally normal and you should feel odd about asking to arrange just one trip or about getting money issues out of the way early. I did that when I was visiting schools but unlike selecttext, I was totally up front about what reimbursement I was getting from each school. I was traveling to several schools on both coasts and was coming from Europe, so flights were my main expense. I had information from each school about how much money they would reimburse and I communicated that to the other schools, so they sort of shared the costs of all the flights. Other students I met were doing the same thing, and everyone was perfectly ok with the arrangement. Since I was getting partial reimbursement from several schools for the same flight, they also allowed me to submit copies of receipts and ticket stubs rather than originals. Everyone was very practical and not offended at all, so I wouldn't worry.

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It's normal and I think you should actually tell both schools that you want to do this. They will be much happier because although it's more work, it really does mean savings for both schools and yourself. I suggest that you should talk to both schools because there may be some rules/restrictions on which school can reimburse what and it's much easier for you to work with the admin staff on paperwork when everything is in the open.

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