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ASU Interview

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Also, if anyone there wants to make a quick buck, I'll pay $25 for a ride to the airport after the social hour.  After being nearly run over by cabs in Las Vegas, I'm somewhat against the whole cab thing.  

Just FYI, the restaurant is right by the lightrail stop. You can ride the lightrail to the 44th and Washington station, then take a quick shuttle to the airport. I believe a 1-way trip is like $2, and won't take (much) longer than driving :) 

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Just FYI, the restaurant is right by the lightrail stop. You can ride the lightrail to the 44th and Washington station, then take a quick shuttle to the airport. I believe a 1-way trip is like $2, and won't take (much) longer than driving :)

 Perfect, thanks.  

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Good luck to everyone!! I'm so jealous you get to go to sunny AZ (I've scheduled my interview via Skype) -- If you think about it please post here and let us know how everything goes!

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I'm hoping they send them out before ASU's Spring Break (next week).  I was chatting with one of the profs on the admissions committee and she said something to the effect of "oh, I'll make sure to put in a good word for you!", implying that decisions haven't really been made yet.

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I know I am hoping to hear soon also! After the interviews, ASU is one of my, if not my only, top choice. It looks like last year they found out like March 20th. That seems like a long wait from now. And I wonder how many they plan on cutting? It sounds like they usually admit around 80 and there were 80 of us there, but I also talked with people who were interviewing for the second time. I also saw a post from last year stating that that person was rejected and supposed their interview didn't go so well. Such a waiting game!

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Thanks! I know, I think my whole family thinks I'm a little crazy for wanting to move to Arizona for a lower ranked program that costs more. However, ASU offers a lot more clinical experiences, and that is a large focus of their program. It also allows people to choose a bilingual, pediatric, or adult tract. Iowa offers no bilingual program. Their "tracts" (if you even want to call them that) are to be a practicing SLP, be a professor, or be a researcher. I have no ambition to do the final two on that list .I like that ASU focuses on practicing SLPs. Still, I'm not sure those are enough reasons to justify paying out of state tuition and moving for a program that is technically ranked lower (stupid rankings).

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Ahh, that makes sense. I had no  idea how the Iowa program worked, except knowing that it's the top-ranked! Rankings don't seem to matter much for those of us who "just" want to be clinicians, but I feel like it is still a personal factor to consider.


ASU definitely will give you great clinical experience, though:) I got to shadow an ENT/SLP team at Mayo this summer, which was pretty sweet. AZ has a lot of older/retired people who need medical care, and is a "hotspot" for high-risk pregnancies (NICU babies with swallowing issues, hearing problems, etc).  Then there is also the rapidly growing Spanish-speaking population, so jobs will be in very high demand when we graduate :) 

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Yep! It seems like they emailed several people this morning, but I never got anything. I called to ask when I should expect to hear back (or if i should just assume rejection), and within 30 minutes my online status was updated! Never got an email though haha, so that will probably be coming later this week. I'm guessing they're doing them in "waves" or something? I will not be attending ASU in the fall, though :( 

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I heard back this morning, but it does sound like they are doing them in waves. I am really excited! ASU and University of Iowa are my two top choices, and believe me it is going to be a tough one. I am going to Iowa's open house on Friday the 29th, so I will probably make my decision then (so close to the cutoff!) I hope that doesn't affect my chance for funding at ASU :/

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Wow! That's awesome that you've already heard back from your top places. It'll be a tough decision, though, and that's smart to wait until the open house and make an informed choice :) 


P.S.- we are currently wearing shorts& tank tops out in AZ, and it'll hit 90 by Wednesday--- not that climate should be the deciding factor, but still.... ;D

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Checked my status on the website this morning--rejected!  Quite surprised and very disappointed, as I thought my interviews went well.  Fortunately, I've been accepted to the University of Illinois, and most likely will be attending there.  Best of luck to you ladies.



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Huh, that's really surprising! I'm sorry:( Was it a waitlist, or just an outright rejection? I will not be attending ASU as i have narrowed my options to UNC and a school in TX that i have yet to hear from.  (ASU is a great program but the way they structure the clinicals isn't ideal for me, personally.)

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My application still says "In Review"...should I assume it's a no go?


I think they are doing decisions in waves. They sent out both acceptances AND rejections yesterday, so I wouldn't assume anything. They said everyone should have a decision by this Friday (3/15).

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