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GRE Analytic Writing Score?


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Hi Everybody,

I'm new to this forum.  I'm sure this topic has been posted before so I am very sorry if you guys have already answered this a million times. I just got my scores back from the GRE; I got a 166 Q (94%) 166 V (96% and a 4 (49%) in AW =(.  I'm mainly looking to apply to grad programs in mathematics and finance.  Will that 4 really kill my chances into getting into a good program?  How much weight do schools actually put on it?  Anyway, thank you so much in advance for the help!

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There is a GRE specific sub-forum where you can search and get answers on this. I wouldn't sweat the 4 though. It wouldn't hurt to do it again but the GRE is only one part of an application and you did really strongly on the other parts.

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Yeah, I agree with jmullenite: The 4 won't likely hurt you, especially considering your other scores.


Of course I've read here and there that some schools do factor in GRE scores including AW when it comes to funding, but I'm not wholly certain how that works or if it's even common practice.


Your best bet is to check program websites to see if they have any guidelines or expectations. Many schools don't seem to care about AW at all since adcoms can judge your writing abilities by reading your SOP.

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Thank you so much for the quick response and I apologize for posting this topic here.  I have taken the GRE once before and that time I got a 163 Q (88%) 165 V (95%) and a 5.0 (92%) AW.  I only took the test again because I was advised by my professors that my Q score would need to be higher if I were to get into some good programs in Math and Finance.  Obviously I achieved that upon my retaking it but at the cost of my AW score.  When making the decision about which score to send in what would you recommend then or should I send in both?  I know this decision differs based on the program but any advice really helps. 

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@midnight streetlight

Thank you so much for the response.  I've called several prospective schools today to talk about topics like this and while they were more than willing to answer my other questions they didn't really want to comment about the GRE scores.  I am sure  that the websites will have more general info on this however.  I like you, have gotten the sense that many schools don't seem to care much because my personal statement is a much better indicator of my writing ability.  Still it was worrying so I appreciate you helping me put those fears to rest.

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If you can send both and you're very worried about it then do that but find out from the program first if they will look at both. Some take the highest scores you send them and mix-and-match tests, others don't.


FWIW, I also scored a 4 and am in a writing intensive discipline. Despite that I have gotten good responses about my application materials and today was notified that I was recommended for a very competitive fellowship. What was more important for them was my writing sample, letters stating that I was able to critically analyze and write on topics, and my SOP.

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Ok thats great advice.  I guess after talking to you guys I'm not too worried about it but if there are schools who will take the highest scores and mix and match that would obviously be best.  Otherwise I will probably just send in my second score as it sounds like it really isn't that big a deal.  Its comforting to know that I'm not the only one who scored a 4 as well (even though I'm sure you are a great writer).   Also my writing samples, SOP, and letters of recommendation are strong as far as I can tell so maybe its alright.  Also congratulations on the fellowship!

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Ok thats great advice.  I guess after talking to you guys I'm not too worried about it but if there are schools who will take the highest scores and mix and match that would obviously be best.  Otherwise I will probably just send in my second score as it sounds like it really isn't that big a deal.  Its comforting to know that I'm not the only one who scored a 4 as well (even though I'm sure you are a great writer).   Also my writing samples, SOP, and letters of recommendation are strong as far as I can tell so maybe its alright.  Also congratulations on the fellowship!


The AW section is very much about format and not so much content. The format is not one that everyone is good with and school recognize that.

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