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Hello all. I apologize if this is asked already, but I've been struggling to find an answer to the following question with no success.


So I received an interview invitation for my second choice school today, my first invite actually (not rejected on first choice but didn't make it into first round of interview apparently). I'm returning for my PhD following being in the field with my Master's for a few years, and I don't have anyone who has been through this process to get advice from. Fortunately the internet is a splendid place with plenty of information on the application process but the one thing it is missing seems to be how to respond to this invitation.


So I would assume that a polite, formal RSVP would be enough, but I had a ton of trouble mucking through my Master's program and I'm trying to avoid make so many asumptions this time around. I would appreciate any input.




Dear POI [or whoever extended the invitation],


I am pleased to accept your invitation to [recruitment day/interview weekend]. I look forward to meeting you and learning more about the program!





Simple, straightforward, just what I'd assume.


But to quote the only quotable quote from a Steven Seagal movie, "Assumption is the mother of all _____ ups."


Thanks, Woosah.

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