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Best conferences to present at (as a grad student)


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Hi all,


I'm hoping to find some wisdom here on the forums about this... I am a grad student NOT in an education school, but my work is relevant and I hope to be marketable to schools of education once I'm finished with my degree. I'm in a cognitive science program and do work with the cognitive mechanisms of student learning (broadly put).


I'm trying to figure out what conferences would be the "best" for me to attend, both in terms of being higher profile (when I apply to jobs in ed schools, I want the professors to actually recognize the conferences I went to, ideally with at least some esteem), AND in terms of being an appropriate venue for cognitive or otherwise quantitative research methods.


ANY advice you can give would be really helpful, cognitive science is just starting to be seriously applied to educational research, and none of my professors really have any "insider information" on the workings of education schools. thank you!

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Hey, your best bet is to attend AERA (http://www.aera.net/). It's held in May every year, has its own journal that you can publish in, or you can present papers and posters there. It's the biggest Education conference of the year with over 25,000 attendants.

Specifically, look into Divisions within AERA. They range from policy, higher education to educational psychology. I believe your best bet is the Ed Psych division. Feel free to ask me questions if you still have any.

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  • 8 months later...

ASHE and AERA are the two biggies in higher ed. You can also look at presenting at other conferences through the College of Ed at your university. There may also be regional conferences you might want to attend. If you just want presenting ops, google call for abstracts and see what you find!

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