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NYU and NYC/NJ area schools

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Hi everyone,


I just got into NYU a couple of days ago. It was my first admission decision out of about 10 other schools in the NYC/NJ area. There is a good chance I will get into some other schools like Montclair State, Kean, William Paterson, etc. Here are my questions: (1) what kind of reputation does NYU's speech program have? (2) will it make much of a difference in terms education and getting a job whether I go to NYU or a place like Montclair State? I'm trying to figure out whether or not it's worth paying virtually double the tuition....


Any thoughts are appreciated.



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NYU has a good program. I think their reputation as a school is a little overhyped and a case of 'hard to get into + famous people + expensive tuition = better school'. Personally, I really like how NYU has set their program up and what it has to offer. That being said, Montclair is a good school too but really hard to get into since so many people apply there and they have very few seats available. Classes will probably be basically the same and it seems nobody cares about what school you go to as long as you do well there. I'm sure there will be employers who will judge a person on where they went to school every once in a while but there are people who will judge you on anything. You just have to ask yourself if having a lot in loans is worth a maybe slight upper hand sometimes.

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I can't really answer your questions, but I can tell you more about Montclair. I received my undergrad degree there in psychology and took the anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing class through the graduate program. The class was mostly admitted graduate students who were completing their prerequisites concurrently with graduate classes. My professor (Dr. Prezant) was excellent and incredibly kind, and I have met a few other professors in the department, and I can assure you that the quality is high.


The program is particularly tight knit because the communication sciences department is not on the main campus, but is rather located at the clinics about 10 minutes away. The clinic is in an office building, so the only people you'll regularly see are non-MSU related business people, AuD/SLP students and professors, and anyone in the clinic. Occasionally there's a class or two on campus but mostly everything is at the clinic. I don't know how much different this is from NYU but I'm assuming it's quite a bit.


Hope that helped a little! 

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Anyone know if all of the Adelphi decisions have gone out already?? I havent heard a peep... there is quite a mix of acceptances/rejections/waitlists on the results page so I am a bit confused. 

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Anyone know if all of the Adelphi decisions have gone out already?? I havent heard a peep... there is quite a mix of acceptances/rejections/waitlists on the results page so I am a bit confused. 


I haven't heard from them either!

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Hi! I wanted to reply because I am in a similar situation! I just graduated from NYU as a CSD undergrad and was accepted into the graduate program as well. I am from NJ and would like to stay as close to home as possible to be close to my family and save money.

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about NYU in general, and can provide some information about what I have observed in terms of the graduate program. It is definitely on the larger side, probably about 60-70 in each class. There are a lot of interesting and challenging classes in the curriculum, as well as some great electives, like an entire class about Baby Trachs. The CSD department itself is new and very beautiful, and is conveniently located about 3 blocks from the main campus around Washington Square. I think that the reputation is getting much better and the professors are definitely top notch in terms of their research, accomplishments and activities in the field, and that you would get a very well rounded experience there!

That being said, I know that for me personally I am very much hoping to get into a NJ school for personal as well as financial reasons. I have heard similar things that some other posters have mentioned -- that it's more about your own personal preferences and reasons to choose where you go and what you make out of where ever you go that matters the most! I think as long as it is an accredited program, most of the classes will be similar.

I hope that helped a little, good luck & wishing you the best in the decisions process! :)

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Thanks for the insight ald360! What other schools did you apply to? I also live in NJ and am applying exclusively to local schools (NJ and NY). I am currently enrolled in the Kean University Pre-Professional Program. I like the program there and, if I get in, it will probably be between NYU and Kean. The tuition at NYU is almost double Kean's tuition though!

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Hi! I wanted to reply because I am in a similar situation! I just graduated from NYU as a CSD undergrad and was accepted into the graduate program as well. I am from NJ and would like to stay as close to home as possible to be close to my family and save money.

I would be happy to answer any questions you might have about NYU in general, and can provide some information about what I have observed in terms of the graduate program. It is definitely on the larger side, probably about 60-70 in each class. There are a lot of interesting and challenging classes in the curriculum, as well as some great electives, like an entire class about Baby Trachs. The CSD department itself is new and very beautiful, and is conveniently located about 3 blocks from the main campus around Washington Square. I think that the reputation is getting much better and the professors are definitely top notch in terms of their research, accomplishments and activities in the field, and that you would get a very well rounded experience there!

That being said, I know that for me personally I am very much hoping to get into a NJ school for personal as well as financial reasons. I have heard similar things that some other posters have mentioned -- that it's more about your own personal preferences and reasons to choose where you go and what you make out of where ever you go that matters the most! I think as long as it is an accredited program, most of the classes will be similar.

I hope that helped a little, good luck & wishing you the best in the decisions process! :)


How friendly are the professors and other students? I've heard that they could be a bit stand-offish/cold.

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hey clydeo12 no problem! i'm sorry i'm kinda new to posting on here so i dont know how to make a signature haha! :P I also applied exclusively to local schools (NYU, Hunter, Seton Hall, Montclair, and NYMC) but I haven't heard from any of them yet except for NYU. That's awesome!!! Are you doing all of your pre-reqs right now? I am glad you like it and hope that you will have all of the schools you applied to as options! And I totally understand, I feel like the tuition thing is definitely weighing heavily on my mind more than anything else at this point!

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I also applied to schools in the tristate area, but haven't heard anything yet! It's very frustrating as two of my friends have already heard from St.John's (1-waitlist, 1-rejection). However I did have two interviews, but haven't heard from those schools about decisions yet!

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I also applied to schools in the tristate area, but haven't heard anything yet! It's very frustrating as two of my friends have already heard from St.John's (1-waitlist, 1-rejection). However I did have two interviews, but haven't heard from those schools about decisions yet!


I'm rooting for you! It's crazy how many schools you're still waiting to hear from.

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hey clydeo12 no problem! i'm sorry i'm kinda new to posting on here so i dont know how to make a signature haha! :P I also applied exclusively to local schools (NYU, Hunter, Seton Hall, Montclair, and NYMC) but I haven't heard from any of them yet except for NYU. That's awesome!!! Are you doing all of your pre-reqs right now? I am glad you like it and hope that you will have all of the schools you applied to as options! And I totally understand, I feel like the tuition thing is definitely weighing heavily on my mind more than anything else at this point!


I live down the street from Seton Hall (literally) so ask me if you want to know what the town or school is like  :)

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I'm still waiting on a lot of these schools also. 8 total - 5 NJ and 3 NY. I think the waiting game is going to kill me a little bit haha.


Has anyone heard much about how any of these schools are about awarding assistantships? Some of them I'm filling out applications for... and like William Paterson's (for example), says you'll be notified no later than June 30th. And I'm like well that's great... since decisions about where you're attending have to be made by then haha

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Me too! I applied to 8 and only heard from 1 so far. I just had spring break this week and spent it waiting for the mail to come and refreshing this site 4000 times a day. A lot of good it's done me =p

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Haha we have a lot of overlap with schools! Of the 7 you're waiting on, I'm waiting on 6 of them (just not Queens). From what I can see on the earliest any of them start notifying is end of March... so we probably have a minimum of another week to wait. The process is just taking too long haha.

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From the results board, the first person notified of an acceptance last year was on April 7th. So I haven't been anticipating to hear from Kean anytime soon haha. It's really frustrating though! Because... for example... on the results board the first acceptance to Montclair was on April 10th last year. And I'm not sure about you for NYU, but both of the schools I have been admitted to I have to notify by the 15th if I'm attending. So there are going to be so few days to visit schools and make a final decision haha.

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Yeah so true. My date for NYU is April 15th too. I thought the process would be relatively easy after my applications were done but the stress is sort of never ending haha. At least we're in somewhere, so these are total luxury problems =)

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We're definitely very fortunate, and have nothing to complain about haha. I was anticipating lots of rejections, so I'm pretty ecstatic that I've gotten in anywhere at all. Do you have a first choice at this point among the schools you've applied to?

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Same here. I'm in the Kean pre-professional program and when I started in the fall my advisor told me that, considering my not-so-hot undergrad GPA, it would be an uphill climb for me just to get into grad school at all, so I am thrilled right now just to be in somewhere.


I love it at Kean so if I get in there, it will probably be between Kean and NYU, depending on how much $$ I decide it's worth spending. Things could change though if I get funding somewhere, which I am not counting on. How about you??

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I'm really not sure, and as I'm getting acceptance I'm realizing just how unsure I am. I'm graduating with only 3 years of undergrad, and I really wasn't sure how this would look to grad schools. So I kind of didn't anticipate having options haha. But I'll admit that the in-state tuition of the NJ schools would definitely be a pull for those, and if I got funding anywhere that could very well be how I make my decision (however I'm not counting on this either).


Since you go to Kean, I figure I'll ask. I know they're up for accreditation this summer, and I had heard from someone that supposedly they might have some issues with the renewal. Do you happen to have heard anything about this? I've heard good things about people liking their program, but obviously it would be such a bummer to plan on going to a school and then have them not get accredited right before you're supposed to go haha.

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Yes, those accreditation issues were initially very worrisome for me as well. From what I understand though, those issues were largely political and had a lot to do with the university president who a lot of people don't like. Anyway, late last year they were re-accredited through 2017 and it's a very long process of reviews before a school could lose accreditation so imagine they're safe for several years after 2017.

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That's great to hear! On ASHA it says that they are only accredited through 2014, and that their next accreditation review is August 2013. So I didn't realize that they had already been re-accredited through 2017. That's definitely great to know though and means that that won't be a reason for me to knock out their program (if I'm fortunate enough to be accepted).


Hopefully we'll both hear some good news from the schools we applied to soon :)

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