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accepted, funded, then ignored?


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i was accepted to a program, offered a ta spot, and a small a moving stipend.  i was excited about the offer and even though they didn't offer me a paid campus visit, it was one of my top choices and thought it is worth the money to see the campus, meet the faculty, etc. before making a decision (i have other attractive offers that i am considering).  i emailed to see when i could visit to see the campus, etc., however a week has passed and nobody has replied to me....do i email again?  give them a call?  keep waiting?  

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I would email again, faculty often get over 200 emails a day (trust me, I have seen first hand), so its likely that it may have slipped past. If you email again, and still do not receive a response, maybe try another person. 

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you got a moving stipend?! How would one go about inquiring about this?

i don't think you can ask for the stipend...i think it was just their little extra.  it's not much, $1,000, but it sure would help!

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