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Visiting a program after being accepted?


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Hey everyone!

So I was accepted into a program that didn't hold interviews. I just responded to my POI asking if I could do down and visit during the first week in April (that's when the tickets were completely outrageous). I am interested in this program, but it happens to be the one I know least about (I applied to mostly social and this is ed psych) so I am hesitant to accept without knowing more. It would also be a big transition moving from NY to the south and so I want to experience that as well.


My question is whether or not the first week of April (2nd-ish) would be too late? I know the deadline to accept is April 15th, but I feel like it's cutting it really close.



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It's before the deadline.... I'd want to see the place, myself.

For what it's worth, I made the move from NY to Missouri two years ago for a Master's degree. I still get "culture shock" moments, but it's been great overall. Good luck!

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