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Should I take the money?

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I have a fully funded M.A. offer from Kent State. This includes a Graduate Asistantship and a stipend.  I got into some other schools with really good M.A. programs but the likelihood of funding is pretty dismal. I like Kent State's program and I'm not aiming to go for a Phd after this. So should I stop going back and forth and take the funded offer? 

Edited by BrookeSnow
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I am in the same boat as you right now..tempted between a very good offer at a reasonable school..and still waiting (impatiently) for answers from my top choices...wondering if there will be reasonable funding! I would advise, especially if you will not go on to PhD to take the offer as well, especially if you like the department, environment etc....

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agreed: absolutely. funded over unfunded, every time. out of curiosity, what do you want to do that an ma in english will be useful for?


I want to teach high school English. I already have my teaching degree but I would be better equipped with an M.A. I also really want to explore things like publishing etc. Sorry if this doesn't make the most sense I've got a jumble of things I want to do. 

Edited by BrookeSnow
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I want to teach high school English. I already have my teaching degree but I would be better equipped with an M.A. I also really want to explore things like publishing etc. Sorry if this doesn't make the most sense I've got a jumble of things I want to do. 


Well, if everything else didn't cinch it, this info does.


Take the money!

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My first acceptance was the exact same offer as yours, right off the bat, I knew I was accepting it.

I was extremely grateful and blessed because I thought I was going to have to take out another 25k in loans. 



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