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Dartmouth vs. PennState in Computer Science, PhD


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I got admitted to both Dartmouth and PennState, in Computer Science Phd program. Got stuck with the limited choice.

Hope you guys can give me a heads-up. Thanks in advance.

PSU ranks around 30's, and Dartmouth around 50's in Computer Science ranking; while the latter one has the fame for being an ivy.

Both offered similar finance package, both in middle of nowhere.

Protential advisors are both established profs. The dartmouth prof is in system/networking, the one in PSU is into networking/algrithms.

About myself: Third year Phd in an unranked/nonsense school near Boston, trying transfer OUT. 1 infocom, 1 mobihoc paper. I got 1 year left hear in my current school if want to finish the phd off here. I "dream" of faculty job in future, thus the transfer.

It wouldn't be a dilema if the job market isn't so bad out there. I would have choose to stay if it is in 2005-2006.

Right now i got 3 choices:



my current school? -- a doctor degree in one more year.

What should I do?

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How much coursework will Dartmouth or Penn State accept? Which university will be better in supporting your dissertation work? How sure are you that going to Dartmouth or Penn State will help you career-wise? If you effectively have to start over again after three years in a Ph.D. program, it's probably not worth transferring unless you're *really* unhappy where you are.

I'm also considering changing programs, but I'm in my first year and the programs I'm deciding between are about the same. A strong program at a so-so school vs. pretty good program in a well-respected school. While my current program has been fine, I've been quite unhappy at my university and with living in suburban Southern California. I personally think it should boil down to where you feel happiest because that will probably influence the quality of your work and how long it will take to finish.

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Take a look at the recent graduates from both schools. Which has sent more students into academia?

Yes, it's not necessarily a predicter and there's a lot a variance based upon individuals, but if one school has put more people into academia than the other by a significant amount, that would be something to consider.

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PSU accepts up to 30 credit transfer. Dartmouth accepts 0.

I guess research wise i would have to start over in both schools, and i would not mind that.

Time wise, PSU may take 4-5 years, while dartmouth takes 5-6. Given the protenial advisor in dartmouth is into systems, so it may acctually take 6-7 if i really want to land a faculty job.

I dont necessary hate my current school. It has a very poor pool of student sources and senior faculties have quited researching. That means research here is a joke expect for very few cases. Good side of this school is its location - Boston area. That makes it easier for graduates to land a software related job.

If I stayed here I can graduate within a year. But i will be forcing myself into a very bad job market then.

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If you already have experience in grad school, maybe each PhD can take less.

Try to talk to students of those advisors or see where they ended up.

I have been a grad student in CS at Dartmouth. Grad classes are not that hard, except Oper Systems.

Even though in the middle of nowhere, Dartmouth is nice.

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