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Please Help...Yale's MA Statistics program

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Hi guys,


I got accepted into Yale's MA statistics program, but Yale's stats program ranking (US news ranking) is relatively low :(  I like Yale very much but I am worried about its stats program ranking. Anyone has any thought on the MA program? Please help. Any thought is appreciated :)

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Well, what advice are you looking for? You haven't told us what other programs you're considering. And if the ranking is a concern to you, why did you decide to apply to the program? If you want to pursue a doctorate, you should be looking at schools that fit your research interest. Rankings are fairly important in this case. However, if you just want to get a job in the area around Yale you shouldn't have a problem even if the ranking is low.

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Hi Kimolas, thank you for your quick reply. I wasn't specific enough. I got accepted into Yale and is expecting Stanford's, so I am trying to decide between these two programs. My current plan is to go to industry after I graduate (but the phd route is not completely ruled out). I am looking at two possible directions: data mining and finance. I am aware that Stanford's program is a lot better than Yale's but I am worried about the harsh competition there. Also, Yale has been my dream school since my childhood. Please comment more given these info.

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Hi Kimolas, thank you for your quick reply. I wasn't specific enough. I got accepted into Yale and is expecting Stanford's, so I am trying to decide between these two programs. My current plan is to go to industry after I graduate (but the phd route is not completely ruled out). I am looking at two possible directions: data mining and finance. I am aware that Stanford's program is a lot better than Yale's but I am worried about the harsh competition there. Also, Yale has been my dream school since my childhood. Please comment more given these info.


Why apply to Stanford in the first place then? I would probably go with Stanford no matter what, but that's just me and you'd need to decide between attending the best Statistics program and attending the school of your childhood dreams :)

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Why apply to Stanford in the first place then? I would probably go with Stanford no matter what, but that's just me and you'd need to decide between attending the best Statistics program and attending the school of your childhood dreams :)


Hi Shostakovich, thank you for your reply. I love Stanford too and I guess deep in my heart I know I will probably end up better there. Ok, I know I am annoying : ( It is such a hard choice for me to make!!

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