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Texas A&M- No Tuition Wavers... At All?

Captain Crunch

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I was unofficially accepted to A&M, so I haven't seen the offer yet, but my POI mentioned that A&M only waives the out-of-state component of tuition for TA's and that students are responsible for the rest. Has anyone else had experience with this? I really would like to attend this school, but having a full tuition waiver is pretty important to me.


Edit: I applied for a M.S. degree

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I'm a PhD at Texas A&M.  To the best of my knowledge, your out-of-state tuition is only waived if you work for the university (e.g., TA, RA, student worker) or if you are on a fellowship.  You absolutely should contact the financial aid office at TAMU to confirm; they are extremely helpful and respond very quickly, especially if you call or e-mail them.

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Thank you for your response. I will definitely follow up with the school, once I see the official offer.


If it is true, I was just suprised that in-state tuition is not waived as well. I know A&M is competitive in many different fields, and this seems like it would be a deterrent to many applicants.

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Well, in-state tuition is also waived for both TAs and RAs as well.  I actually was inaccurate about my previous post.  What I should have said that TAs and RAs have their in- and out-of-state tuition waived, while student workers who are not Texas residents are able to be classified as in-state students and get their tuition waived depending on what kind of student worker job they have.

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Yeah, then your tuition is definitely waived as a TA.  You should be good to go once you're officially accepted and your TA position is confirmed.  Congrats!

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