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Should I be re-enrolling?


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I have graduated from a top 50 university with a degree with Economics last spring. It took me some time to figure out what I am passionate about and what my strengths are, and now I am considering to build my career towards the field of history. That is why now I am thinking of going back to college to earn a second bachelor degree of history. I will be applying for re-enrollment which should take one year to finish.


However, I am facing a few obstacles. First, it requires an extra year of time and money (since I am an international student, it will be more), which is a trade off against job experience. Second, I am considering the possibility of entering grad school, which I understand it will be quiet difficult. The reason is because my general GPA is only 2.71, mostly due to my extremely low GPA in first 2 years of college. Even I am getting a 3.8, 3.9 GPA for my re-enrollment courses (the good news is I am confidence and prepared about that), my overall GPA will only be 2.9x.


So the question is, does it worth it? For the undergraduate degree along, I am uncertain about career options that I will have an advantage over with, other than being a museum curator. As for being a history teacher, I do not know if I posses the quality of secondary education. If I am applying for graduate schools, I am not sure if I prepare to face the disappointment of acing out in my extra year and got rejected by most of them.


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