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Environmental Engineering@CMU vs. Environmental management@Duke


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Hi everyone! I've got these two offers. Since I am an international student, I have no idea how these two majors work in U.S. job market. I've made a list about pros and cons for these two options:


1. Master of Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University


pros: major is good(There has been more job-growth for environmental engineering. info from US labor department)

         CMU's strength in engineering

         large career fair

cons: no funding (which means that I have to ask for family support for at least 65k a year!)

         non-engineering background (so I have to take more courses - and therefore spend more money and more time - in grad school)

         city not good enough (I did not do much research, but it seems that Pittzburgh is not a good city to live in)


2. Master of Environmental Management at Duke/Nicholas school of the Environment


pros: like the major (I really like environmental management and policy, and duke has its reputation in environmental management. Heard from some friends who are already attending, really nice graduate experience).

         large career fair and more opportunities (intership/research opportunities)

         small amounts of scholarship (9k for the first year, so I have to pay 43k a year)

         city is good (it seems that Durham is a very nice city with low living-cost)


cons: difficult to find a job? unsatifactory salary? (International students are more difficult to find a job in the field of Environmental Management. governments are not likely to hire international students.)

          it's still not easy to get a job in my home country 



Lots of concerns and worry. But i really don't know how to choose between them. I really need your opinions and all the facts you know from these two programs! Thank you in advance for your advice and suggestions!

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