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Employment during SLP Program?

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Here's some hope that someone actually *in* a SLP program can chime in!



Is it possible to work during grad school? I'm currently employed with a position not too far from my soon-to-be university, and have a very flexible position. Do you think I can squeeze in work at nights and on weekends? Maybe 20-25 hours a week? I want to do everything to maintain as a good graduate student, but the bills will still need to be paid + living costs...


I don't want to take out an excess amount in loans just to live comfortably. I only want to take out the bare minimum to ensure my tuition and books are paid.

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I'm not in grad school yet, but I'm pretty sure you could. My graduate teaching assistant position requires 20 hours a week with the department, and I imagine they wouldn't require that many hours if it seriously interfered with your ability to do schoolwork/be in clinic. (At least, I hope they wouldn't!)


I know a number of graduate students at my current university work, though I'm not sure how many hours. I think a lot of them do weekend jobs, so if you're able to work weekends, I imagine that would really help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It depends on your program. I had friends who worked in the mornings and took classes at night. When you do your internship there is a slim chance you can work.

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You can absolutely work while you are in grad school, but it may be at the expense of other things, such as time spent watching tv, time spent reading your favorite websites or going out with friends, getting to know people in your program, etc. Even during your internship, you will have your weekends to work at a job if you choose to arrange your schedule for that. Like everything in life, it is a trade-off, so if working and going to school becomes too stressful, you can make the decision to cut back on your hours after your first semester.

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