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UK or WSU?


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Hey guys, so I have to make a big decision here in a few months and could use some advice. My first semester of grad school I was at University of Kentucky and had a really hard time there. It wasn't all bad, and I did enjoy the school and my teachers/peers but getting used to the area/culture was tough (I'm from Seattle originally). I came out there only knowing 2 people, a girl that was going to be my roommate (we had been talking for 6 months before I moved out there and we both had lived in Seattle) and my ex (from Seattle but went to school in UK, we tried to stay friends but he kept being flaky to me). What happened is in March my friend passed away (after knowing her 9 months and being one of my only good friends in Lexington), and my ex was nowhere to be heard from. He went from saying he wanted to meet up, me to visit him at work, etc. to completely disappearing on me and not being there when I genuinely needed someone. I told him what happened and never heard back til I moved home and even then there was never a 'I'm sorry, are you ok?' at all. He made up some lame excuse about being too busy with work, blah blah blah. I still barely talk to him. I have done a really good job working through most of what happened and feel I would be okay with finishing school at UK, but do still worry about it being awkward with the ex. My advisor at UK said they would love to have me back and have me graduate with them. My other option is to stay at WSU, and both schools have given me the option to graduate by December 2013. However, it comes down to being able to decide between the two. I have til July/August to decide, and I honestly don't know what to do. If there are things that helped you decide between two schools, which one to graduate from, please let me know. I chose UK also in part b/c of their athletics program, but got no experience for my program (Sport Management) when I was in Lexington. I have gotten more experience here, but I am trying to find a job to move out of my Dad's house again. Regardless of whether that means going back to UK or moving out here in Seattle. If I go back to UK, I lose a semester of coursework from WSU. If I stay with WSU, I only lose one class from UK that didn't transfer over. UK said I would have to take Research Methods through WSU, then WSU said I already have Research Methods from my stats class but I have to take a graduate level business course. I am trying to decide what makes the most sense, and what would be the best fit for me. Of course cost is also a consideration, but I am also trying to decide what will benefit me most in the future (i.e. job search, on my resume, connections, etc.). I also don't plan on staying long-term in Kentucky. I just want to get out of my Dad's house, but I'm not sure which route to take and which one would be the best. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Edited by meems21
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Go back to UK. Branch out to some other departments and try to meet people, go to some of the bars near campus or something, and don't worry about your ex. I was there for three days recently and I loved it. I was able to make a lot of great contacts and new friends in that short amount of time I was able to sneak away from the conference I was at. I'm sure you can do the same.


Being from Miami I can understand the culture shock of a town like Lexington but at the same time I think it's a great city in itself with bigger cities nearby if you need to get away. I say stick it out there and seriously stop worrying about your ex. It's not worth trying to be friends if you're the only one putting in any effort.

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