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Ok to call Admissions to rush decision?

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Hi guys, I'm in a sort of predicament, I had applied for a program at school A which was slated to start in the fall but I was called by an Admissions Officer and told that the program was only for undergrad business majors which I am not and he told me to consider a different program instead that is mean for non undergrad business majors. I told him I was interested in it and I was offered acceptance into the program. Thats great but the problem is that the program starts in the summer, about 2 weeks from now....which does not leave me time to figure out my living arrangements or travel. I am still waiting for school B and C which starts in the Fall but I would have to make a decision for school A by this or next week. Starting in the fall would really help me get my affairs in order before starting school. Is it ok to call schools B or C and explain my situation and ask them if they could give me a decision earlier? I'm guessing the answer is probably know but I want to hear other people's opinions on what I should do. Thank you. 

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I don't think I would ask them to bend the rules and give you an earlier decision. I don't think you would leave them with a good impression and they aren't likely to speed up the process at your request.


Perhaps you could ask when you might expect to receive an answer and if you are on a wait list see if you can find out your position on the wait list. If the secretary seems nice over the phone, I would be very professional and polite and mention that you are hoping to make a decision sometime over the next one or two weeks and see if she offers to help you out in any sort of way.


If you don't get an answer, you might need to take the offer so you don't end up losing out this year. Could you see yourself attending this school if it is the only one you get into and being happy with your decision? Or would you rather wait and reapply next year?


If you would much rather attend one of the other schools and you cannot get any more information about the decision results -  Would you be willing to be in this program for 2 or 3 weeks and drop out if you are accepted elsewhere? Would you be burning important bridges in the field by doing so? When are the tuition fees due and what is the refund policy?


If you are willing to switch schools a couple of weeks into the program, find temporary living accommodations that will allow you to move under short notice if you need to move later on in the month. Some hotels/motels can give you a deal if you stay for an extended period of time, such as 1 month.

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I actually did email school B and asked them if they could expedite the decision process. They asked me when I needed a decision. I told them it was today. They emailed today and told me I was accepted. :)  :D   :D  I guess it doesnt hurt to ask...very nicely. Im sure this is not the case with every school though.

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Congrats! Nice to hear that it worked out in the end. :)


I actually did email school B and asked them if they could expedite the decision process. They asked me when I needed a decision. I told them it was today. They emailed today and told me I was accepted. :)  :D   :D  I guess it doesnt hurt to ask...very nicely. Im sure this is not the case with every school though.

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