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What MES programs am I missing?


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I am (like so many others these days) applying to MA programs in Middle East Studies. I am looking for terminal MA programs that are focused on careers in diplomacy, media, the private sector. I'm not really planning on going for my PhD, at least not anytime soon. I've also spent a lot of time studying Arabic, so I want a program that combines the typical areas studies approach (modern history, politics, economy) with a heavy focus on language. I mention this because I've come to understand that a number of programs have somewhat of a divide between regional studies and language/literature. UT, for example, despite the fame of its Middle Eastern Language and Cultures program, seems to have very little Arabic in its terminal MA MES program. I'd like something that pushes students with language, maybe even with chances to take seminars/lectures conducted all in Arabic. I would, however, like to attend a university in the US, taking shorter periods abroad. Funding is also a big consideration


So far, I plan on applying to: Georgetown MAAS, Johns Hopkins SAIS, GWU, NYU (Kevorkian is better suited for my goals, right?), and Harvard CMES. Chicago is also looking like a good candidate, too. My question is: what other programs should I be applying to? I've heard a lot of UCLA, Berkeley, Princeton and Columbia, but from what I've seen, these programs seem much more focused on literature and ancient/pre-modern history, more suited for academia. Am I wrong about this?


Thanks for the help!

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