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A Place to Announce Decisions

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A Mod can always get rid of this, but I get a kick out of looking at the footers of profiles to see where people have chosen to go. So, I thought I'd make a topic for people who are ready to say where they're going, what their field is, where you aren't going, and maybe a bit of why.

Or, someone can make a comment and then everyone can yell anonymously at them.

Your choice.

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doesn't sound like a bad idea. it may not necessarily be needed, however, as you note that many of us have footers with the 'where' parts answered.

could be fun.

but the part where most would get good insight is the "where you are NOT going" catagory

...& the all juicy whys.

i'll tune in for that.

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I'd love to have a decision to make, but so far, I've only heard back for sure from 2/3 of the schools to which I applied. University of Minnesota's English PhD program rejected me straight out, no comment, no questions asked. Michigan State recruited me pretty generously, and unless Purdue, whom I haven't heard back from, offers me a comparable package, I'll be thrilled to start at MSU in the fall.

My list began with 8 PhD programs: 4 English, 2 American Studies, and 2 Women's Studies. I had to narrow my list to 5 because I couldn't afford to both apply to all those schools and attend a conference I'd been invited to. I sent out 3 applications before I heard back from MSU. I stopped applying after that because I couldn't foresee spending more money that I didn't have to apply to schools I may or may not be suited for (read: I chose to pay the mortgage).

After what seems like a terribly vicious application season, I'm 100% pleased with having been accepted with funding to MSU. I'd reject an offer from Purdue under only two conditions: they do not offer me a financial package at all or one that doesn't compare with MSU's, or they accept me after April 5th. That's the day I plan to accept MSU's offer because shame on Purdue for dilly-dallying around and messing with people's lives like they do. :) That's *if* they accept me. Big IF.

So there's a little bit of my mental workings concerning the logistics of grad school applications, for what it's worth. If I do get a choice between Purdue and MSU, I'll consider that icing on the cake.

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My final acceptance has not been made, but I have turned down a funded spot at Fordham. An FYI for anyone interested.

Harder than it looked, I may have been entirely wrong to criticize so and so on that other post, at least as harshly as I did.


I have been a jerk before.

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My final acceptance has not been made, but I have turned down a funded spot at Fordham. An FYI for anyone interested.

Harder than it looked, I may have been entirely wrong to criticize so and so on that other post, at least as harshly as I did.


I have been a jerk before.

I think this is a reasonable way to come to a final decision. I am not ready to make that decision as two wait lists are pending, but I just received an acceptance from the final school I had not yet heard from and need to decline at one or two of the schools I have been accepted to. I would like to keep two options on the table in case something falls through at one of them before I hear back from the wait lists, but I plan to decline two programs on Monday. Sadly this will probably include UNL, as they have not offered me funding.

I'm definitely finding it difficult to decline any offers, but I think it's important to go ahead and decline the two programs I am least likely to attend.

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