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PsyD Schools - But First, a Master's Program!


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I'm just beginning my search for different master's programs for counseling psychology or mental health counseling.  I've taken a few prerequisites (abnormal psych and intro to psych/general psych) and completed my bachelor's degree in Spanish.  I wasn't a psych major, so it's a good thing I'm not going for my PhD in Psychology.  I'm not really into the research side of thing - I'm going purely for a Psy.D.  I would, however, like to try to get a full ride scholarship somewhere as I have a lot of teaching experience in various areas.


With this in mind:


Does anyone have any schools in mind that shine for a Psy.D. degree/M.A. in Counseling Psychology or Mental Health Counseling in the midwest?


I haven't taken the GRE yet so I would prefer schools that don't require it.  I AM, however, planning on taking the MAT soon.  I have all my materials submitted to Viterbo University so far, the school I was planning on attending originally, until I found out that full ride scholarships are actually an option for master's programs in psychology.  I'm also considering Western Michigan University and the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.


Thanks, everyone! :)  Good luck!



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There are very few PsyD programs that offer a full tuition waiver. I cannot think of a single PsyD program that offers a full tuition waiver and does not require the GRE.


Please do some research on the quality of education offered by PsyD programs, as they vary greatly. Furthermore, you'll still have to do some research in a PsyD program; even the lousy ones require a dissertation. The ones that do not have those requirements will not put you in a good position to obtain a licence. Please be aware that you have to pass an exam to get a licence, and if you attend a program of poor quality, the odds of passing that exam decrease dramatically. You also need to prove to state licensing boards that you have received sufficient training, and with the vast majority of PsyD programs that do not require the GRE, being able to meet that requirement is questionable.


Also, when you look at PsyD programs, be sure to check out their Match rates for internships, specifically the APA match rate. Here: http://www.unc.edu/~mjp1970/Internship%20Outcomes.pdf

And here: http://www.cudcp.us/files/Reports/CUDCP_2011_Psy_Grad_School_Fact_sheet.pdf


Even in a Master's program, at some point you're going to need to be able to read a research article and understand what the author of the study actually did.


Missouri State University also has a funded Master's program; it requires the GRE.

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What is it with nobody wanting to take the GRE? Your applications determine not only the next 4-6 years of your life (which program you attend) but possibly the rest of your life (career options, amount of debt, prestige of program attended, connections formed, etc.). Take the GRE already! If you're not willing to put in hours to study for it, you're not going to be very happy with the work you have to do once you actually get to grad school :-).

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