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Please chance me for PhD in I/O Psychology


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I graduated summa cum laude May 2013, majored in psychology and minored in biology and sociology with a GPA of 3.913 (psychology GPA of 3.955): Phi Beta Kappa, university scholarship. GRE: Quant: 159, Verbal: 164, Writing: 5. About to take the GRE Psychology subtest this month.


I completed my honors thesis, which was somewhat related to my interests in IO psych (personality’s ability to predict workplace success and behaviors). Note there is no IO program at my university. I had two poster presentations. I might run another experiment and edit my thesis, but I don’t think that would be ready to report in grad school applications.


I have a lot of experience with cognitive psychology research: I worked in a lab all 4 years, spent a summer on an independent project, and am currently working in a cognitive lab full-time for a year. However, I am gaining analysis experience –R, SPSS, multi-leveling modeling – and I am focusing on a project about individual differences in reading, which is kind of related to my interests. (I’m interested in individual differences in cognition, although I’m more interested in differences in personality, as well as teamwork, personnel selection, etc) I might be able to be an author on a paper in this lab, but definitely the last author listed, and I’m not sure if it would be in review until spring 2014.


My extracurricular experience is low – I did some things, but it’s hard to create a substantial narrative from those infrequent things. I have two great recs from people I’ve worked for long time and had classes with, although I'm a bit worried the third one won't be as great. I do have a decent narrative for explaining why my interests shifted from cognitive to I/O psychology.


I’m applying UMinnesota, U of Illinois at Urbane Champaign, Purdue, Penn State, Michigan State, Bowling Green State, DePaul, UNC Charlotte, maybe Clemson. I’m researching additional universities to add right now. (Ideas welcome; I’m definitely a bit behind in terms of prep)


How do you think my chances are? And how many programs should I apply to? This is looking expensive! And how're other 2014 I/O applicants doing? 

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Well, I hope to see you in the fall of 2014 at one of those schools. ;-) We're applying to three of the same.

Your stats are comparable to mine, though you did better on the Quant section of the GRE. Your research interests are similar to mine (personality.) Have you contacted your POIs?

From what I've heard and read, I would say research experience is generally more important than extra-curriculars. If you have experiences that show you are a leader and work well in teams/groups, then you may be okay without a ton of extra stuff. Were you an office-holder in Phi Beta Kappa?

It's good that you've done an independent project (your Honors proj.) Even if you wanted to start another independent project now (as I have), you can list it as "in progress" on your CV.

I am thinking your chances are as good as most people's will be. Probably just as good as mine. I hope there aren't too many more like you out there. ;-)

It is expensive and time-consuming, but I was told to apply to 10 to 12 programs and choose a range; 3 or 4 for which you exceed the average stats, 3 or 4 that you meet, and 3 or 4 that would be reaches for you. I would say Urbana-Champagne and Univ of Minnesota are as selective as they come. You may also want to consider a couple of master's programs just in case. It really is a numbers game.

Edited by Bren2014
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I would suggest you are a very competitive applicant. You might want to consider applying to some Master's programs as a back-up (BTW, I say that to everyone), but I would be surprised if you didn't get in somewhere with your stats & experience.

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Well, I hope to see you in the fall of 2014 at one of those schools. ;-) We're applying to three of the same.

Your stats are comparable to mine, though you did better on the Quant section of the GRE. Your research interests are similar to mine (personality.) Have you contacted your POIs?

From what I've heard and read, I would say research experience is generally more important than extra-curriculars. If you have experiences that show you are a leader and work well in teams/groups, then you may be okay without a ton of extra stuff. Were you an office-holder in Phi Beta Kappa?

It's good that you've done an independent project (your Honors proj.) Even if you wanted to start another independent project now (as I have), you can list it as "in progress" on your CV.

I am thinking your chances are as good as most people's will be. Probably just as good as mine. I hope there aren't too many more like you out there. ;-)

It is expensive and time-consuming, but I was told to apply to 10 to 12 programs and choose a range; 3 or 4 for which you exceed the average stats, 3 or 4 that you meet, and 3 or 4 that would be reaches for you. I would say Urbana-Champagne and Univ of Minnesota are as selective as they come. You may also want to consider a couple of master's programs just in case. It really is a numbers game.


I wasn't an office-holder, but I guess I have a leadership experience or two I can mention. Good luck on your applications! :) That's cool you're into personality as well. I was so excited when I realized so many I-O people specialize in personality assessment and indiv diffs... 


 I was planning on contacting people later this week. That is an excellent idea about the in-progress listing; thank you!



I would suggest you are a very competitive applicant. You might want to consider applying to some Master's programs as a back-up (BTW, I say that to everyone), but I would be surprised if you didn't get in somewhere with your stats & experience.


Hmmm, okay! I will take both of you guy's advice! Off to find a Master's program or two. Thanks so much; I feel a little better now. 

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