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Chemistry Applications Fall 2014


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My NYU acceptance was an unofficial email from a PI that contained that sentence and promised details in a few days. Columbia offered $35k +fees and health insurance.

I applied to NYU but haven't heard anything back yet. Which PI has contacted you ? (If I may ask)

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That is weird. On Monday I got my official letter in the mail with funding information and stuff. I'd email them if I were you.


On another note, I was just accepted to NYU. Seems like its coming down to MIT and Harvard. Losing hope on getting those acceptances. 

I applied to NYU but haven't heard anything back yet. Which PI has contacted you ? (If I may ask)

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NYU.  Visit weekends are February 13th-15th and March 6-8.

Are you going? They offer to pay all my travel expenses but I don't know if I accept this.. I am afraid of making a commitment in accepting the offer and I am not ready to make it,,

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 May I ask what else did they say about funding? I am waiting for the official letter..

I applied to NYU but haven't heard anything back yet. Which PI has contacted you ? (If I may ask)

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Are you going? They offer to pay all my travel expenses but I don't know if I accept this.. I am afraid of making a commitment in accepting the offer and I am not ready to make it,,

I can't make a separate trip out there (I live in the midwest and am visiting Einstein and Columbia already), so I'm trying to set up a meeting while I'm already in town.  IDK what the protocol is for paying international student travel (like if it's more of a commitment), but they do budget to bring students in who ultimately decline, so I wouldn't feel too bad or awkward about it.  I mean, I wouldn't take the free trip if you are 100% certain you won't attend.  If you're legitimately considering NYU, go for it. 

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I was planning on visiting NYU, I live in NYC so it's like 15 minutes away, but their visitation weekends interfere with other commitments (vacations and Yale visitation weekend). I might just go to one of the Thursday events. I had an inorganic chemistry professor contact me.

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Another week of stress and waiting..

Last year, according to results, Berkeley sent out final acceptances this week. If I don't hear by Friday, I'll call and let everyone know what they say.

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Last year, according to results, Berkeley sent out final acceptances this week. If I don't hear by Friday, I'll call and let everyone know what they say.

I do hope they will send out acceptances today. Thank you!

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For those interested in Berkeley:

I called today and spoke with Eileen from the Chemistry Graduate Admissions office. Here's what she had to say...

Her: "We have already sent out all offers that we will be making this year. Those remaining who have yet to hear will be receiving official notices soon."

Me: "Okay so those who have yet to hear are definitely going to be rejections?"

Her: "Rejection is such a strong word. Unfortunately with over 900 applicants, even those that are well qualified have a difficult time getting accepted."

She was actually really nice about it. Cool lady. Sorry to those still waiting to hear. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

But now I'm sure of my decision. I'll be at MIT next year! Good luck everyone. Go Beavers!

Edited by YaBoyAR
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For those interested in Berkeley:

I called today and spoke with Eileen from the Chemistry Graduate Admissions office. Here's what she had to say...

Her: "We have already sent out all offers that we will be making this year. Those remaining who have yet to hear will be receiving official notices soon."

Me: "Okay so those who have yet to hear are definitely going to be rejections?"

Her: "Rejection is such a strong word. Unfortunately with over 900 applicants, even those that are well qualified have a difficult time getting accepted."

She was actually really nice about it. Cool lady. Sorry to those still waiting to hear. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.

But now I'm sure of my decision. I'll be at MIT next year! Good luck everyone. Go Beavers!


NICE! Congrats man. MIT is AMAZING! Kick some ass over there! Will you be making your decision soon?

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NICE! Congrats man. MIT is AMAZING! Kick some ass over there! Will you be making your decision soon?

Thanks! I've told all the schools except for Wisconsin and MIT that I was declining their offer. But it seems likely that that's where I'll go. Congrats on your acceptances as well. Great schools!

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Hey YaBoyAR,

Look like we are on the same boat, UCB was the last lingering name on my list too.

Are you coming to visit in Mar? Which area of concentration are you in?

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