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Is anyone teaching full-time and waiting? Do you check your e-mail, this forum, the chart, and log in to your embark accounts during breaks? I DO!!! :(


YES!! I teach full time at a University and I have officially become the worst instructor ever. I recently had to work on my retention portfolio and between that and this (I'm wait listed), I am exhausted. Thank god for Spring break this week.... although, now I have minimal things to keep me distracted!

The thing that really gets me is that my web browser tells me how many visits I've had to this site the day before.... it gets depressing to see how neurotic I've become!

Good luck to you! Are you hanging in there? This is really really tough!


I am teaching a full load of classes at the university, and I find it extremely difficult to concentrate and do my job well. The job does help me to withdraw from the reality of some unfunded acceptanced and one funded waitlist, however, I am positively obsessed with this website! I check it a LOT, which makes me think that I should probably get more work. :P Sometimes the lack of good news makes it fairly difficult to be effective in the classroom and to respond to my students' needs. It's like one half of me is already gone towards my PhD, and the other half is still teaching. Whichever half wins by April 15th is still a big concern! :shock:


Upon forgetting to bring my book, my chalk (yes, we still have chalk here), and my brain to class yesterday, I finally spilled the beans to my students that I'm waiting on admissions results and am struggling to focus on anything else. I think they all crossed their fingers for me because I finally got my final acceptance this morning. Woo hoo!!!



Congratulations! I am envious of your success and notification! Today is my birthday....and I wish for nothing else more than a positive response off of my wait list status!

I too have shown up to class completely unprepared (and did not know that I was unprepared until I arrived)... luckily it all worked out, but perhaps I should have my students cross their fingers for me too!

Good luck everyone!


I'm not teaching full-time, but I have been adjuncting part-time this year in addition to finishing an MA program at a seminary, getting caught up on some incompletes, and working as a faculty assistant for a professor at the seminary I'm attending. I also have two small children and a husband who is also in seminary and who is struggling with health issues.

Needless to say, with so much going on besides waiting and trying to decide what to do about doc programs for the next 4-5 years with family in tow, it's hard not to feel like a constant failure at everything. One of my classes is still going pretty well, but the other one has been frustrating and much more difficult to push through this semester. Many factors are contributing to this, but doc apps are no help in the mix either.


I am teaching half-time and also working as an editorial assistant at one of my University's literary journals. I'm also taking classes and writing my MA thesis, which is in the revisions stage now. Grad applications and waiting to hear back from programs has been a huge distraction. It's been a struggle to remain focused this semester. I'm hoping that all of this toil and worry pays off! :|


I feel anxious and sick to my stomach. I dreamt about applications last night and woke up feeling like crap. Now I have to teach a bunch of energetic eigth graders. I hate this feeling. :(

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