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MFA programs for the new practitioners


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I'm in a pickle. I graduated with a B.S. in Family/Human Development a few years ago. Since then, I've worked in non-profit education management (entry level, to be fair) and counseling, but soon decided that wasn't my calling. I moved to Vietnam a year and a half ago to... well, just do something. I taught here for a while but eventually moved on to write for a national magazine, and have since then gone from a freelance writer to an associate editor.


Now, I'm thinking about going into something along the lines of digital media, journalism, strategic communication or communication design. At the end of this, I'd like to be carrying on some journalistic practice by focusing on non-fiction media, but I realize that print media is dying, and I need some skills. The catch? I haven't got any background or experience in digital media or design, but I realize I need it for what I want to go into.


Nearly every MFA program requires submission of a portfolio. Thankfully, they do welcome journalistic writings, but I have a feeling that's not all they want. It's all I have. The entire reason I'm looking at a masters program is to build skill in digital media and the tools within the field, but something tells me that my lack of experience in it will make me a weak candidate for any good MFA program, even the ones that pride themselves on "diversity" of students' backgrounds.


I doubt I'll get a job even close to this field without some more education (namely, a masters degree/MFA) but then again, getting into a truly worthwhile program seems super competitive. I have real skill and experience in writing, and I have decent references from both my editor and our art director (who says he "sees promise"). Am I kidding myself? Do I stand a chance? Any particular programs that anyone know of that allow students without as much experience but a willingness to learn be a part of an MFA in Digital Media or something like it?

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For the portfolio, contact some profs and ask if journalistic writing will work. If not, maybe take a year to read up on creative nonfiction (go to free lit mags online like Blackbird or Narrative, etc.), write some stuff, and resubmit.


Are you sure an MFA will help the job search later? I'm betting picking up half a dozen digital media books, studying them, and just writing every day through the digital media will get you where you want to be digital-literacy-wise.


Sorry, no lead on programs . . . 

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