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CS courses to prepare for neuroscience PhD?


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I plan to apply for a PhD in neuroscience next year, specifically in the area of motor neuroscience, hopefully with a computational focus.


In the meantime, I still have 2 slots left in my schedule for computer science courses to complete my CS minor.  Does anyone have any suggestions for what would be good courses to take to prepare me for my intended path?  Right now I am looking at taking "Algorithms and Data" and "Robotic Science and Systems".  Some of the other courses being offered that I thought might be useful instead are: Logic and Computations, Computer Organization, Database Design, and Theory of Computation.

Any suggestions?

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CS degree holder here. Here's my remarks.

  • [Yes] Algorithms and Data: A good fundamental course to get you up to speed on the technical stuff behind programming.
  • [No] Robotic Science and Systems: A specialized course that seems more like an elective gears towards the more narrow and unrelated field of robotics.
  • [Yes] Logic and Computations: A nice complementary math course that strengthens the important logic stuff that comes with programming.
  • [No] Computer Organization: A fundamental prerequisite course for an introductory computer hardware course. Not ideal for non-computer engineers.
  • [No] Database Design: An elective course that caters more towards IT people.
  • [No] Theory of Computation: An advanced theoretical CS course. Not ideal for non-computer scientists.
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My reason for interest in the robotics class is that I am currently working in a robotics lab and my research interests include some of this human/computer/robot interface.

For database design, I didn't originally think it would be useful, but an advisor recommended to my boyfriend that he take it, and he is going into computational biology.

Edited by pterosaur
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In that case, 'Algorithms and Data' and 'Robotic Science and Systems' is fine. 'Database Design' makes sense for computational biology, but probably less so for your minor.

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