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Matching, Market/Mechanism Design in Europe

Terry B

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Hi there,


I am at the moment trying to figure out where to apply for my masters at graduate schools in Europe with the intention of following up with a PhD. During my bachelor I got increasingly interested in topics such as auctions, mechanism design or matching - maybe loosely classifiable by the term "market design" - both from a theoretical and from a more applied angle.

I would now be interested whether anyone knows if there is a grad school in europe suitable to pursue a research career in these areas, for example because:


(i) They offer a specialization in one of these or related fields

(ii) A good proportion of the programme's micro courses deals with them.

(iii) A respected researcher in one of the fields could be a potential supervisor.


These things are very hard to tell from the outside. For example, in Zürich quite a lot of research seems to be done in the respective areas but it does not seem to reflect that much on the teaching there.


Thanks for any help!

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