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Do I have a chance into the MA in Diplomacy/ International Relations Programs

James Webb

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I am at a dilema, mainly because I have a 3.0 GPA for my undergraduate degree in Pre-Law and discovered that law was not a passion of mine after working at a Law firm for 9 months now.  I am interested deeply in an MA in Diplomacy/ International Relations with a concentration in conflict resolution, but my GPA seems to be too low for what I desire so still searching for schools that would allow.


Are you aware of any alternative programs I could look into, where the end goal is still met of preparing to become a Foreign Services Officer?  On top of that, I have been struggling to find job positions that can gear my career towards working in a similar field at this time.  Are you aware of an entry level position that I could get into to have sort of a foundation set for when I pursue the MA program?


Thank You

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Apart from the GPA, I don't know if law courses will be enough for an IR MA admission. You may be expected to have 18-21 Undergrad credits in IR or political science.


You can see this program - http://www.regents.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-study/programmes/ma-international-relations.aspx?gclid=COPyxpOtnrsCFUJlMgodc0sA8w


Another option is to take a few non-degree credits in IR and then apply next year. This will also raise your GPA.


But see that link. You may be able to get into that program.

Edited by Seeking
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Do you have any international experience? What is your language proficiency? If your ultimate goal is to become an FSO, you might consider jobs abroad. I'm currently teaching English in East Asia, and many of my friends have used their time here to gain language skills in a critical language while also volunteering / amassing relevant experience.

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In response to hj2012, I have lived in Jamaica for two years when I was younger, and went to Australia for a 3 week excursion as a start.  Though it is minimal, I do plan to continue increasing my International experience.  As far as languages, I am fluent in english, familiar with spanish, and self-teaching Italian currently. 


In response to Seeking, I am willing to take some courses to boost my GPA up, but I believe I have around 9 Political Science Undergraduate courses  currently.  Seeking, do you believe that certificates count as credits towards my GPA?  If so, I was interested in a certificate dealing with conflict resolution if that would help me any.  


Also, I was planning on pursuing an MA in business management as a basis for the material I'll need to know for the Foreign Services Officer Test (FSOT) to go along with the MA in Diplomacy, is this a good plan?


Thank you everyone for your responses.

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If your goal is to become an FSO eventually, you really don't need an MA in IR or anything else; you just need to pass the test. (Admittedly, not an easy proposition.) My friends who are FSO come from really diverse academic backgrounds.


Your GPA is going to hurt you in admissions to the most competitive programs, but the longer you're out of school, the less your GPA matters. I'd try to amass work experience (preferably abroad) and study hard to get exceptional GRE scores.

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