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rushing GRE score delivery


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I just took my GRE on Dec 4th and it totally slipped through my mind that it takes 10-15 days for the official score to be up. I'm concerned about my earliest deadline, which is Dec 15th for Columbia University GSAPP. Their policy states that the scores must arrive on the 15th, and ETS' website isn't so informative on how GRE scores are sent or even if there is a rush option.   


I'll call ETS customer service on Monday since their office is closed today, but I was just wondering if anyone here has knowledge on this situation?? Kinda panicking right now :( 

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GRE scores should be sebt electronically, so theoretically they should get there pretty fast once you actually get your grades on them and pay for them to be sent over. That's what it sounded like when I asked my school if they still had my GRE scores; like, they're all just on the computer somewhere.


Which really makes you wonder why it costs $25 to send each one, ugh.

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Thanks, Meowth! A little bit at ease now. Thankfully, I chose to send out scores to the schools of my choice on the same day of the exam.

If not, that would've been an easy $100 for ETS. Ridiculous.


Ahhhhh. Hopefully, my official scores are up by the 14th~

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