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Acceptance Thread


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I think it would be nice if we could avoid pressuring people to turn down other offers because they've been accepted by at top-10 school. Sometimes a lower ranked school can be the best choice, and it may be impossible to tell before you visit. :)


I'll second this suggestion. Nobody needs to make rapid-fire decisions about something as important as graduate school.

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Out of curiosity, are you removing yourself from consideration at any of the places that you've yet to hear from?


I'd appreciate advice on this. To be honest, I don't know which schools are still in the process of making decisions, which already have (and would just tell me, well that's good because you've been rejected), etc. I figure that it won't make much of a difference whether I wait for results and turn them down as I get offers/waitlists, or to tell them beforehand. 


It seems to me that I'm in the same situation as someone who has an offer from Harvard but is sitting on offers from other schools. As long as I turn them down in a timely manner, I'm not really doing anything that asshole-ish. 

Edited by MattDest
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I'll second this suggestion. Nobody needs to make rapid-fire decisions about something as important as graduate school.

Yeah, I think general announcements of "Please deny places you're positive you won't go to as soon as possible" are a good thing but there's no need to pressure anyone.

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I think it would be nice if we could avoid pressuring people to turn down other offers because they've been accepted by at top-10 school. Sometimes a lower ranked school can be the best choice, and it may be impossible to tell before you visit. :)


I'll second this suggestion. Nobody needs to make rapid-fire decisions about something as important as graduate school.

Not sure if these remarks are directed at my last comment. But to clarify, I was wondering what MattDest is doing in light of the fact that he's already accepted Arizona's offer. It's likely that I'll be in a similar situation soon and I was just wondering how he's handling it. I agree that we should avoid pressuring people to turn down offers.

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There is an April 15 deadline for a reason. I agree with those above that we should stop with the pressing and pushing of others to make decisions. Even if you are half-joking about asking some one to remove themselves from contention at one school for your benefit, and thus have good intentions, I don't think we should be encouraging this practice. I have already resigned myself to the fact that I may not hear good news from the schools I am wait-listed at until right up until mid April. So be it. It is part of the process. Those lucky enough to have multiple choices should be able to revel in their success for as long as they see fit. 

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Not sure if these remarks are directed at my last comment. But to clarify, I was wondering what MattDest is doing in light of the fact that he's already accepted Arizona's offer. It's likely that I'll be in a similar situation soon and I was just wondering how he's handling it. I agree that we should avoid pressuring people to turn down offers.


I think these remarks are due to the remarks from Platonist about DHumeDominates' acceptance at Harvard, not about your post. 

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I'll claim the Rice acceptance. The e-mail was really nice, and very informative. 

Congrats on Rice! Boy I'd love the chance to study with Grandy and Crowell...

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Not sure if these remarks are directed at my last comment. But to clarify, I was wondering what MattDest is doing in light of the fact that he's already accepted Arizona's offer. It's likely that I'll be in a similar situation soon and I was just wondering how he's handling it. I agree that we should avoid pressuring people to turn down offers.


No, not directed towards you! I think your comment to MattDest was reasonable, and I was also wondering how someone ought to handle that type of situation.

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So, unless someone is playing an evil prank on me, I believe Jeffrey McDonough just sent me an email admitting me to Harvard!


... what?!?!


I am absolutely STUNNED


and, of course, thrilled!


EDIT: I hope no one hacked into McDonough's email account and sent me a fraudulent email. That is how shocking news of admission is to me. But I'm sooo excited!!! :)


That is awesome. Congrats!!

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Not that I've seen. I'll believe it when I see other accepts. Since your there, do you have any insight into how many spots they're trying to fill?

From what I've been able to hear, they usually accept about 15-17 for an expected incoming class of 10. Now, sometimes they have more than 10 accept, which has traditionally been OK, the "extras" just don't get funding. However, starting next year, they will be capped by the Graduate School at a maximum of 10 students, because the Graduate School wants everybody who gets in to get funding. So while next year the adcom will probably be able to make more than 10 offers, they will be careful, because they only are allowed a maximum of 10 new students to matriculate. This is basically the last year the adcom can enroll more than 10. So anybody who applied pretty much got their applications in "under the wire." 

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From what I've been able to hear, they usually accept about 15-17 for an expected incoming class of 10. Now, sometimes they have more than 10 accept, which has traditionally been OK, the "extras" just don't get funding. However, starting next year, they will be capped by the Graduate School at a maximum of 10 students, because the Graduate School wants everybody who gets in to get funding. So while next year the adcom will probably be able to make more than 10 offers, they will be careful, because they only are allowed a maximum of 10 new students to matriculate. This is basically the last year the adcom can enroll more than 10. So anybody who applied pretty much got their applications in "under the wire." 


Thanks for the info

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sooo no contact from the department yet, but I randomly logged in to check my status for the University of Iowa and it says admitted!!!! no info on funding, but excited to be able to have a choice :D

Congratulations on the Iowa acceptance! Have you received formal notification yet? My status still says 'In Progress,' and the office assistant told me she thought notifications would be sent out next week. I'm not sure whether I ought to be worried. And, thanks to your notice, I've been checking my Iowa account every 30 minutes or so! 

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Not sure if these remarks are directed at my last comment. But to clarify, I was wondering what MattDest is doing in light of the fact that he's already accepted Arizona's offer. It's likely that I'll be in a similar situation soon and I was just wondering how he's handling it. I agree that we should avoid pressuring people to turn down offers.


It wasn't! Matt is right in thinking my post was inspired by Platonist's comment. I didn't direct it at him/her in particular because other people have said similar things... Didn't mean to be passive aggressive about it. 


And DHumeDominates, congrats on Harvard! 

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  • The Madison wait-lists are legitimate. (I got one, actually.)


Bit late to the party, but congrats Ian! You deserve the good news!


Edit: And obviously congrats to DHumeDominates for getting into Harvard. That's really impressive!

Edited by IanHendon
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Also late to the scene.


Accepted: Stanford, UT-Austin, Georgetown, Northwestern

Waitlist: UC-Berkeley

Shot Down By: MIT


No Word: Southern Cal, Yale, Michigan, UConn, Princeton, UMass-Amherst


I understand that USC, Yale, UM, and UConn have already sent out acceptances/waitlists? Will any of them send more, do we think, or should I give up hope?


And I know it looks like I should just accept Stanford and be done with it at this point, but honestly NW is the best fit for my interests. Also, this is my gap year and I'm stoked to have a chance to visit any place that will fly me out. And I promised myself I wouldn't rule out any school before I visited.


Finally, anybody have any experience with the UC-Berkeley waitlist? They invited me to visit and I got a very encouraging email, which sounds like one very different from one a few people reported getting saying they were low on the list and not to hold their breath.

Edited by philosopheme
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Congratulations on the Iowa acceptance! Have you received formal notification yet? My status still says 'In Progress,' and the office assistant told me she thought notifications would be sent out next week. I'm not sure whether I ought to be worried. And, thanks to your notice, I've been checking my Iowa account every 30 minutes or so! 


Thanks! So I still haven't heard from the department, but when I login to the application status pg with my hawkid/password (https://login.uiowa.edu/uip/login.page?service=https://isis5.uiowa.edu/isis/) and click on "admissions profile," I can scroll down and it says "Admissions Decision: Admitted" (under Admissions Fee: paid) and it has a letter I can view. 


 If you wait list, unless they offer me a lot of funding, I believe I'm going to turn down the offer. Good luck to you! 

Edited by philosophe
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Thanks! So I still haven't heard from the department, but when I login to the application status pg with my hawkid/password (https://login.uiowa.edu/uip/login.page?service=https://isis5.uiowa.edu/isis/) and click on "admissions profile," I can scroll down and it says "Admissions Decision: Admitted" (under Admissions Fee: paid) and it has a letter I can view. 


 If you wait list, unless they offer me a lot of funding, I believe I'm going to turn down the offer. Good luck to you! 

Ok, thanks for the helpful info! Best of luck to you as well! 

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Rejected from Washington (Seattle) today. Even after all the rejections I've already received, this one surprised me a bit because it was far and away the least selective program to which I applied (I guess that's not saying very much...). To not even be waitlisted feels harsh. Oh well.


And, in terms of the comments asking people not to sit on multiple offers, I think it's important to remember the context on both sides. There's a lot of pressure on everyone before April 15th rolls around, and so freaking out is bound to happen. I suggest yoga or drinking. I don't suggest drunk yoga--I really hurt my back that way one time...

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ill claim a Hopkins waitlist (having already been rejected from Brown, Northwestern, MIT and UNC) came by e-mail, it also said that the initial acceptances were very conservative and that the likelihood that the waitlist would be dipped into was higher than previous years. Mail also included funding info...

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No, not directed towards you! I think your comment to MattDest was reasonable, and I was also wondering how someone ought to handle that type of situation.

The way I see it, there's no harm in emailing the department letting them know you've accepted another offer. If they are still reviewing apps, you'd be doing them a favor--one less to read!!

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