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Foreign applicants


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Just wondering if anybody else is applying from outside of the U.S, particularly from countries which do not use the 4 point GPA system?

I'm applying from Ireland (where we don't get a numerical GPA) and it's quite difficult to tell whether your application is competitive or not...

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Our highest grade is a I.I which is 70% or higher, but I cant help but feel that an American academic might look at a 70 and think of it as mediocre!

Where are you applying just out of interest?

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P:S I'm sure they won't be that quick to dismiss your score. That is why the selection process is so holisitic (writing sample, GRE's , Recommendations etc.). I don't think you have much to worry on that front I guess.

Edited by murial
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Well we'll see about that! My attitude was that a move to the States would be a big upheaval that I'd only undertake if the opportunity (far) exceeded what I can do at home. I think if I could go back I'd apply to a few schools that might be a bit easier to get into. The whole thing has been a steep learning curve (particularly when no-one around you really knows anything about the whole process!). I only found out about the GRE in late October when I decided to apply! I do know thought that a couple of people from my school got into top 10 programs last year so I guess being a foreign applicant doesn't disadvantage you too much...

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Uncannily, all of this stands true for me as well, except that I hardly know anyone from my current batch (or several previous batches for that matter) who took to pursuing a higher degree in philosophy abroad. So, I am such a novice to this entire process. I got introduced to this forum by a friend and I was surprised to read the amount and level of planning/research that has gone into people's selection of college, writing samples and so many small yet significant things. But people are quite helpful around here. I got information about a bunch of scholarships programs. I am now looking into those. 

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Hey guys, I'm from the US, but I work in higher ed right now. have any of you guys used WES? It's an international transcript evaluation service that basically will translate your transcript to a US gpa / degree.  Just a heads up!

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