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Fulbright 2015-2016


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I did the same thing!  I didn't touch my application until two nights ago, because I was scared that I would find a mistake in it or something.


Well, today is the day.  Anyone else have trouble sleeping last night?  When I did manage to sleep, I had two dreams about the Fulbright (one good and one bad).  I keep refreshing my email, but I think we probably won't hear until after 5:00.


Best of luck to everyone in making it through the day!!!!   :) :)


Nope. I refuse to look at my essays. I KNOW it'll wreck me, haha.


And yup. Just like my gif-infested post from last night, I didn't get to bed until about 5 or 6am. And I had a dream last night, too! When I finally fell asleep... I had a dream everyone heard back at 5:30 or so, but I was watching everyone else calmly... No clue if I got it or not, and I wasn't stressed about it. I just... Watched everyone else's excitement.

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Ha, i feel you. i woke up before the sun because i was so nervous i couldn't sleep.

i told my friends about this board and finding out about the decisions today, and they laughed about the potential of 'scholarship trolls' making fake emails to freak us out. 


I had the same thought, this might just be trolling. I hope not, though! To be honest, what difference does it make anyway? Whether we find out today or in two weeks, our fate is already sealed  :blink:

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Hi all, longtime lurker, first time poster!


I'm just curious if anyone here is applying from within the UK for US study? The interviews for the scholarship over here are scheduled to start on the 26th, and as far as I'm aware (having not received anything), no one has been approached yet. Anyone in the same boat?

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Very shocked to have gotten an email so early (12:53pm EST).  Not recommended :(  For those who are interested...


Subject line: Fulbright Application Status




The National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education has completed its work and has recommended candidates for the 2015-16 academic year. I regret to inform you that your application is not among those recommended for further consideration.  Unfortunately, it is not possible to accommodate all students who would like to participate in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. 


I want to assure you that the application review is very thorough and that screening committees carefully weigh individual qualifications for research, study or teaching abroad.  Unfortunately, we cannot discuss the reasons why a particu lar candidate was not recommended. In many cases, candidates were well qualified to receive a grant and no one specific factor, other than the sheer number of applications to their specific country prohibited them from reaching the next stage. Over 10,000 applicants competed for about 1,800 grants. 


Please do not contact IIE to inquire about your individual application.  If you decide to reapply in the future, IIE Program Staff will be happy to advise you on the application process and provide general information ab out the program or country to which you are applying. I know that this decision will be disappointing to you.  However, please note that the decision in no way prejudices your chances for participation in the Fulbright Program in another academic year.  Each year's selection process is separate and distinct.  An additional year of coursework, experience, and/or language study may improve the competitiveness of your application.   If you wish to apply again for a Fulbright award, your application will be considered, as before, solely on the basis of eligibility requirements and the merits of your proposal. 


We appreciate your interest in the Fulbright U.S. Student Program and hope that you will find another opportunity to study or conduct research abroad.     

Sincerely yours,                                       
Daniel Kramer 
Director, U.S. Student Programs
Institute of International Education


Thought I had a pretty competitive application, but I guess we all have them!  Congratulations to everyone getting recommended :)

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I did get recommended.


Here's what it said:


I am pleased to inform you that the National Screening Committee of the Institute of International Education (IIE) has recommended you for a grant under the Fulbright U.S. Student Program for the academic year 2015-16. Your application has been forwarded to the supervising agency abroad for final review.  In addition, your application will be forwarded to the program sponsor, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State, for transmittal to the presidentially-appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB).  The FFSB makes final decisions on Fulbright awards. 

This letter is not notification of a grant since the number of recommended candidates exceeds the number of awards available.  The notification timeline varies by country. Final selection notifications for a particular country cannot be sent until the country has made its final selections and the candidates have been approved.

Final status notifications will be sent beginning in late February and continue through the spring, depending on the country.Final selection notifications will be sent via email to the account listed in the application.  If this address changes, send an email to the IIE Program Manager for the World Region .For further information about the next stage in the selection process, go to the website:  http://us.fulbrightonline.org/information-for-recommended-candidates 

Receipt of a grant is contingent upon: (a) submission of official hard copies of your transcripts (see below); (B) completion of the bachelor’s degree for graduating seniors; © approval by the FFSB; (d) concurrence by the supervising agency abroad; (e) medical and research clearances; (f) security factors in the country of your application; (g) availability of funds; and (h) participation in a Pre-Departure Orientation, where required.   

Congratulations on your success in the preliminary stages of the competition. 

Sincerely yours, 

Daniel Kramer
Director, U.S. Student Programs 

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Ow, my ego hurts. I'm just going to assume there were only like 5 people recommended for the 2 spots and they're like Ivy league grads with 4.0's and accolades on top of an equal amount of experience with teaching English and working in international environments.

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Not recommended :\ I thought I was a pretty competitive candidate, but there are thousands of us applying everywhere and from what I've seen, you guys are pretty awesome people so congratulations to all of those who got recommended!  :D


In a way, I'm relieved that I don't have to endure another 3 month wait near graduation and having to choose between a job and the Fulbright. It makes the decision a lot easier for me (I'm so bad at making decisions haha) so I'd like to believe all things happen for a reason. 


Good luck to everyone moving on to the next round! May the odds be ever in your favor  :)

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Made it through! Second time applying. I felt about 600% more confident this time around compared to last year. My recommenders pointed out that I'd applied before, too. You should definitely think about re-applying if you're still interested!

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Recommended! omg. I thought I wasn't going to find out until after work, but I was checking my email on my break and there it was. I'm so excited even though it means another few months of waiting. Now I have to go compose myself to go back to work.

Congrats to everyone else who is recommended, and big hugs to those who weren't!

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RECOMMENDED!! I could die happy right now and have "Fulbright Finalist" etched on my tombstone.  


My biggest congratulations to everyone else who was recommended, we have a long road still ahead of us.  


And best wishes on reapplying to all of you who were not recommended this time around!! You are all brilliant!

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Calmed myself enough to check the email, and learned that I indeed did not get recommended.


Good luck to everyone else!



I am sorry to hear you were not recommended. I know this is cliche but it's always the journey that matters. This experience will only make you a better and stronger candidate if you try again next year.

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