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Anyone willing to "surf the intertext" with me?

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Dear literature people, 


I am wondering if there is broad enough interest here to jointly compile a huge list subdivided into smaller lists? The huge list would be all things intertextual.* The subdivisions would be intertextuality's specialized tentacles - the one I'm most interested in is virtuality.** Very good - two lists now, one for the big intertextual umbrella and another for virtuality. Within each of these, I wonder if we could subdivide one more time, so that we have the origins of the heritage alongside places/people where/with whom you can actually study that stuff?




1) Intertextuality as a broad umbrella and its canonical origins:


- Kristeva

- Barthes

- Etc, etc.


2) Virtuality as a subdivision and its canonical origins:


- Deleuze (reading Bergson)

- Brian Massumi

- etc, etc.


3) Where and with whom you can do intertextual studies


- Judith Anderson, Indiana

- Gerard Passannante, Maryland

- etc, etc.


4) Where and with whom you can do virtuality studies


- Elizabeth Grosz, Duke

- N. Katharine Hayles, Duke

- etc, etc.


Would this be fun and productive for others? I know it would be for me...If so, let's just grow each of these lists so that "etc, etc" become things to sink your teeth into. If not, I shall happily and obligingly kill this thread. Just let me know.


Thanks in advance,



* I know that things like intertextuality and virtuality are hard to define and mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people. As part of the fun, I'm willing to let it be what it is for anyone here - a good way to rethink and learn, no? Things could very well get sprawling and epic in this way.


** I know that virtuality may not intuitively grow out of intertextuality for a lot of people. That's fine. I have my reasons. I can elucidate if you want. Briefly, I have Hayles' definition of virtuality in mind, in which virtuality is a condition that prioritizes information over materiality. There is an informational tie-in to intertextuality insofar as what is intertextual is informational, though I know it can also be material. But for list-making purposes, I just want to see what is exciting and useful to others. Go nuts.

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Wordpresses and wikis!  How very...virtual?...of you. Touche!


Larger than this forum, eh?  Yeah, ok. I guess that makes sense. I hadn't meant for it to be so ambitious, but it's a good call. I was hoping people might be able to just whip something out off the top of their heads, and then when the dust cleared, anyone interested would have this huge collaborative resource. Like maybe you know of an intertextual theorist that not so many people are familiar with, and voila, that happens a few times over and we're all mutually benefiting from it.


I'll have to give some thought as to how much I want to commit to the maintenance of a wordpress or a wiki before I pm you, but thank you so much for the offer, BowTiesAreCool. If I do decide to do it, I'll definitely be in touch, because I don't really have those skills you speak of. Much appreciated.

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I really like this concept, though I think we could expand it way beyond virtuality and intertextuality. Perhaps that is not your intent, but via wiki we could explore any number of specialties, significant thinkers, and current academics in those fields. Could be fun to design a magnificent web.

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The wiki idea gains in popularity. I have to admit, it intimidates me. Can one of you sketch out what you envision? And before we do all this work, I guess we should be sure that there's not one already out there doing the same thing? (I don't know of any).


Thanks for the ideas - the wheels are turning.

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